Carpe Diem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carpe-diem" Showing 151-180 of 283
Leigh Bardugo
“You cannot worry about what came before or what happens next, what has been lost or what you might gain. There is only this moment.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

Ann Leckie
“Perhaps the length of one’s life was not important—except in the way it is to so many living beings, desperate to avoid death. Perhaps, long or short, it mattered how one spent that time.”
Ann Leckie, The Raven Tower

“It’s not possible to live twenty-four hours a day soaked in the immediate awareness of one’s sex. Gendered self-consciousness has, mercifully, a flickering nature.”
Denise Riley, Am I That Name?: Feminism And The Category Of Women In History

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“Time is an illusion. It is a limitation created by our minds. If we stop measuring everything and just enjoy every moment given, life is going to be a lot more exciting.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Galaxy Pirates

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“Good old days? Whatever good in them may have been, they’re long past. No use crying over them now when they are but distant memories. I shall tell you the trick – in a person’s mind, all distant memories eventually grow tinted with rays of sunshine, and the toils and hardships the flesh and the soul have undergone get lost and forgotten. Hence you begin believing that those old days were good, and have a hard time dealing with present difficulties… I believe, whatever hardship you may face at present, it is still better than some vague and blurry flashbacks you carry in your mind, for the present can be felt upon the touch, sensed upon the breath, lived through and fought for. Good old days are long gone, and if you ask me, have never been as good as you may now imagine. There is only now, and the bitterer it is, the sweeter it feels to live the moment to its fullest.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Galaxy Pirates

Michael Bassey Johnson
“If love and friendship makes you unhappy, try solitude.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

“Be wise, decant the wine, and since our space is brief, cut back your far-reaching hope. Even while we talk, envious time has fled away: seize the day, put little trust in what is to come.”
Horace, Carpe diem

W.H. Auden
“The wolves will get you if the moths won't.”
W.H. Auden, The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“I live in the moment. Drink from the fresh spring of the present, you shall get to enjoy the true taste of happiness. If you do not expect anything from the future, then whatever winds may blow, they won’t be able to sway you off your path, will they?”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Galaxy Pirates

Maggie Nelson
“For it isn't just moments of happiness, which is all I thought we got. It's happiness that spreads.”
Maggie Nelson, The Argonauts

“We will pass away. I, Nezahualcoyotl, say, enjoy!
Do we really live on earth? Ohuaya, ohuaya.

Not forever on earth, only a brief time here!
Even jades fracture; even gold ruptures, even quetzal plumes tear:
Not forever on earth: only a brief time here! Ohuaya, ohuaya.”

“You can never get a moment back once it has passed. Are you trading your moments for something worthwhile, for something meaningful?”
Akiroq Brost

“What if you treated each day like it was your last? What would you do differently? What would you be grateful for? What would be important to you? How mindful would you be? What would your interactions with others be like? How meaningful would your day be? How much depth would that add to your experience?”
Akiroq Brost

Donald Barthelme
“Be like Sindbad. Venture forth! Embosom the waves, let your shoes be sucked from your feet and your very trousers enticed by the frothing deep. The ambiguous sea awaits, I told them, marry it!

There’s nothing out there, they said.

Wrong, I said, absolutely wrong. There are waltzes, sword canes, and sea wrack dazzling to the eyes.”
Donald Barthelme, Forty Stories

“I find that I was the most melancholy when I got to the point in my life where I gave up on my dreams but I never stopped hoping to become them, not knowing that they are conjoined parts of our soul.”
Paula Antonia Purpera

Mystqx Skye
“START somewhen, somewhere or you won't reach anywhere”
Mystqx Skye

“The pleasures and riches of this life are but loaned, their substance is vain, their appearance illusory; and so true is this that I ask thee for an answer to these questions:

What has become of Cihuapan? Of the brave Quantzintecomatzin? Of Conahuatzin? What of all these people? Perhaps these very words have already passed into another life.

Would that we who are now united by the ties of love and friendship could foresee the sharp edge of death, for nothing is certain, and the future ever brings changes.”

Noriko Morishita
“Capii che gli avvenimenti della vita sono sempre improvvisi. Ora come un tempo... Anche conoscendoli in anticipo, non riusciamo a prepararci spiritualmente, prima che gli eventi si realizzino. Dopo tutto, non possiamo far altro che rimanere sconvolti e soffrire nel momento in cui li proviamo sulla nostra pelle. E solo allora ci accorgiamo di cosa abbiamo perduto. Ma come altro potremmo vivere? Noi esseri umani non siamo in grado di prepararci spiritualmente a una situazione finché, a un certo punto, non ci capita, e dopo non possiamo fare altro che abituarsi un po' alla volta, impiegando tanto tempo... E' per questo che lo credo davvero, fermamente. Quando pensi di voler incontrare qualcuno, lo devi incontrare. Quando ti piace qualcuno, glielo devi dire. Quando sbocciano i fiori, facciamo festa. Quando ci innamoriamo, lasciamoci travolgere. Quando siamo allegri, condividiamo la nostra gioia. Nei momenti felici, stringiamo forte quella felicità e godiamocela al cento per cento. Probabilmente è tutto quello che noi esseri umani possiamo fare. Perciò, quando incontriamo una persona che ci è cara, mangiamo con lei, viviamo con lei, godiamoci i momenti insieme.”
Noriko Morishita, Every Day a Good Day: Fifteen lessons I learned about happiness from Japanese tea culture

Noriko Morishita
“Nei giorni di pioggia, ascolta la pioggia. Nei giorni di neve, guarda la neve. In estate apprezza il caldo, in inverno, il freddo che gela le ossa... Qualsiasi giorno, godilo pienamente per quello che è. Il tè è questo modo di vivere.”
Noriko Morishita, Every Day a Good Day: Fifteen lessons I learned about happiness from Japanese tea culture

Javier Merizalde
“Don't count on time you don't know you are going to have. Be judicious when deferring tasks.”
Javier Merizalde

Joyce Rachelle
“To live like you've had no yesterdays is a triumph that is both sublime and stupid.”
Joyce Rachelle

Mystqx Skye
“What pleasures are you living for?”
Mystqx Skye

Neus Figueras
“Entonces solo puedes fallarnos si no haces nada.”
Neus Figueras, Lorac

Neus Figueras
“Solo puedes fracasar si no haces nada.”
Neus Figueras, Lorac

Pier Vittorio Tondelli
“Lì, accatastati, coperti da un cellophane appannato, ci sono i resti dell’estate: un tavolino pieghevole, qualche sedia bianca, vasi di fiori ormai secchi”
Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Camere separate

Noriko Morishita
“«Nei giorni di pioggia, ascolta la pioggia. Stai qui con il corpo e con lo spirito. Assapora con tutto il cuore il momento attuale, usando i tuoi cinque sensi, In questo modo capirai. La strada per la libertà è sempre qui e ora».
Rimpiangiamo in continuazione il passato e ci preoccupiamo del futuro che ancora deve arrivare. Eppure, ci si può preoccupare quanto si vuole, ma comunque non si potrà mai tornare ai giorni passati, né anticipare il futuro per farci trovare pronti. Fintanto che si pensa al passato e al futuro, non si potrà mai vivere tranquilli. C'è un solo modo: godere del presente. Solo quando riesce a concentrarsi su questo istante, senza passato e senza futuro, l'essere umano si accorge di vivere una libertà senza limiti.”
Noriko Morishita, Every Day a Good Day: Fifteen lessons I learned about happiness from Japanese tea culture

Felix Timmermans
“Melk den dag!”
Felix Timmermans, Pallieter

“You tire my weary bones! Stand still and let me have you in my grasp, for Youth I have declared you mine!.”

Marianne Fritz
“..the present is always the best time to spread your arms wide and embrace the whole world, all at once, as best you can.”
Marianne Fritz, The Weight of Things