Facebook Ads Guide

Update to Meta Ads Manager objectives

We are gradually introducing a new set of 6 campaign objectives in Ads Manager: awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion and sales.


Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories can bring your business to life in an immersive format, with options to add stickers, emojis and other creative elements. These fullscreen vertical ads appear to viewers between organic Facebook Stories.

You can use the image format in Facebook Stories to show off your product, service or brand. Choose an interesting image of a product to encourage people to learn more about it, or use an eye-catching photo to showcase your brand personality.

Image ads in Facebook Stories will show for five seconds or until the user swipes out of the Story.

Design Recommendations

  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and 20% (340 pixels) of the bottom of the image free from text, logos, or other creative elements to avoid covering these elements with UI elements such as the call-to-action.

Text Recommendations

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters

Technical Requirements

  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB
  • Minimum Width: 500 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%

All ads must comply with our Advertising Policies.

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Choose an objective

Select an objective to see which calls to action are available.

Choose a conversion location

The conversion location is the place where you want people to take action. For some objectives, the conversion location is automatically selected for you.

On your ad