Facebook Ads Guide

Update to Meta Ads Manager objectives

We are gradually introducing a new set of 6 campaign objectives in Ads Manager: awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion and sales.


Facebook Feed

Facebook News Feed is the constantly updating list of status updates, photos, videos and more in the middle of the Facebook home page. The News Feed includes updates and posts from friends, Pages, Groups and advertisers.

You can use the collection format in the Facebook News Feed to make it easier for people to discover, browse and purchase products and services from their mobile device in a visual and immersive way.

A collection ad in Facebook News Feed includes a cover image or video followed by 3 product images. When someone taps on a collection ad, they see an Instant Experience—a full-screen landing page that drives engagement and nurtures interest and intent. When you create your Instant Experience, you can use the Storefront, Lookbook or Customer Acquisition templates, or build a custom Instant Experience.

See for more information about each recommendation below.

Design Recommendations

The cover image or video that displays in your collection ad uses the first media asset from your Instant Experience.

  • Image Type: JPG or PNG
  • Video File Type: MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Text Recommendations

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Landing Page URL: Required

Technical Requirements

  • Instant Experience: Required
  • Image Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Video Maximum File Size: 4GB

All ads must comply with our Advertising Policies.

Choose a placement

Select a placement option to discover which objectives are available.

Choose an objective

Select an objective to see which calls to action are available.

Choose a conversion location

The conversion location is the place where you want people to take action. For some objectives, the conversion location is automatically selected for you.

On your ad

View available calls to action

Not all calls to action may be available to you, depending on your industry.