Nutrition and health

Agrifood 21-05-2021

Animal Health and Welfare: What role for Animal Nutrition?

Animal health and welfare are key dimensions of the Farm to Fork strategy (F2F), the European Commission’s pivotal agri-food policy at the heart of the EU Green Deal.

Agrifood 24-06-2020

Farm to Fork Strategy: What role of nutrients?

Looking at the future of agriculture in general, and the fertiliser industry in particular, the challenges of sustainable food production are apparent. Growing food demand will force farmers to invest in innovative tools to increase production, ensuring maximum efficiency from …

Agrifood 26-02-2020

Can good food be sold at the smallest price?

Can a pork cutlet which is on special offer be of high quality and still feed the farmer who produced it? Given the current imbalance in Germany's food industry, EURACTIV Germany travelled to Brandenburg to discuss good food and fair prices with one of the region's organic farmer.

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What role for positive nutrition in the future?
Agrifood 21-11-2016

What role for positive nutrition in the future?

With the rise of obesity, food and nutrition have become a high-priority topic on the EU agenda.

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Health 05-06-2014

Obesity: What’s tipping the balance? HIGHLIGHTS

The lack of physical activity and unbalanced diets can lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. Today, more than half of Europeans are overweight or obese.

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Health 30-01-2014

Commission unveils new plan to combat obesity

In its fight against obesity among school children, the European Commission launched a proposal on Thursday to strengthen the declining consumption of fruit and milk among young people.
Aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles, the new plan will bring together the EU's currently separate programmes on milk and fruit under a new single scheme.

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Health 14-10-2013

Eat well, drink well, move – A small step for you, a big step for Europe

Obesity is a lifestyle disease that is becoming one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Unless we make significant changes to both our diet and way of life, obesity will continue to rise in Europe. The solution to this problem must include the 3 following elements: Eat well, drink well, and move.


European leadership to counter the epidemic of obesity is lacking. The event discussed the actions the EU and its member states should take.

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Health 23-09-2013

Justine Henin on health and obesity in Europe

Justine Henin, is former World No. 1 tennis player having won seven Grand Slam singles titles, and was the women’s singles gold medallist  at the 2004 summer Olympic Games in Athens. She spoke with EURACTIV’s Jeremy Fleming at the conference “Eat Well, Drink Well, Move… a small step for you a big step for Europe”, held in Brussels last week.
Read the full interview:

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Health 19-09-2013

Vassiliou: EU should promote physical activity and a week of sport

Androulla Vassiliou, commissioner for education, culture and sport, recently launched an initiative on physical activity and called for a 'European Week of Sport'. She said that participation in sports and physical activities was one of the most effective ways of staying physically and mentally fit, and referred to the ancient Greek saying ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’.

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Development 06-05-2013

Child Health: What drivers for a holistic approach?

As part of its efforts to accelerate progress on child survival, the EU has adopted a new communication on Maternal and Child Nutrition. “The effects of poor nutrition represent one of the most serious and preventable tragedies of our time”, states the EC Communication. The same document shows that in many developing countries poor nutrition is an underlying cause of at least one third of all child deaths.