Nutrition and health

Agrifood 25-06-2018

Science, public opinion and policy-making

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The re-authorisation of Monsanto’s weedkiller glyphosate and the ban of three neonicotinoids – a class of insecticide – have opened a heated debate on the role of science in policy-making.

Economy 02-10-2017

‘Working’ toward healthy eating

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People want healthy food. The question for policymakers now is, how do you make it most easy and cost-effective for them to get that food?

Health 19-06-2017

Regulating consumers?

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Over the years, sales and marketing restrictions have piled up on food, drinks and alcohol products. Some are now beginning to worry about a “slippery slope” where tobacco-style regulations – and taxation – are being applied to a whole range of consumer products in the name of public health objectives.