Nutrition and health

Agrifood 23-12-2016

Agricultural innovation: A driver for sustainability?

Est. 1min

As the global population continues to grow, lawmakers are looking for innovation-driven solutions to feed the world while addressing the environmental impact of agriculture.  

Health 26-02-2014

Cardiovascular disease: Social and economic impacts

Est. 1min

The number one killer in Europe, cardiovascular disease, is set to become an even greater burden on the already recession-hit continent's health systems. Therefore, the Commission is now trying to tackle the growing problem with different initiatives and health programmes.

Sports 17-10-2007

Fight against obesity

Est. 1min

Sedentary modern lifestyles and over-eating have raised obesity to the number one public health challenge of the 21st century, with rapidly increasing childhood obesity of particular concern to western nations. The Commission has given the food industry and advertising sector until 2010 to clean up its act.

Health 23-06-2006

Lifestyle & Health

Est. 1min

Smoking, drinking, bad nutritional habits and lack of physical activity are life-style related health determinants linked to a number of major health problems, such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and obesity.