Ukraine at war

All of our coverage of the war in one place

Latest analysis

Half Ukraine’s power is knocked out; winter is coming

Ingenuity can get you only so far

When will Ukraine join NATO?

Its road to membership could be blocked if Donald Trump becomes president

Ukraine has a month to avoid default

Lending to a borrower at war entails an additional gamble: that it will win

Ukraine’s war has created millions of broken families

Children and wives have been apart from their fathers and husbands for more than two years

Death and destruction in a Russian city

Russians in the border city of Belgorod have become victims too in the war Vladimir Putin launched against Ukraine

A clear-eyed account of Ukraine under siege

The military campaigns

In Crimea, Ukraine is beating Russia

The peninsula is becoming a death trap for the Kremlin’s forces

Ukraine’s desperate struggle to defend Kharkiv

It is holding off Russia’s attack — for now

Dealers are selling war trophies to buy weapons for Ukraine

A sometimes gruesome trade helps defenders on the front lines

Who is supplying Russia’s arms industry?

New research traces the origin of crucial imports

A fresh Russian push will test Ukraine severely, says a senior general

An interview with Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukraine’s military intelligence

Ukraine is ignoring US warnings to end drone operations inside Russia

Its superdrones can reach targets as far away as Siberia

Life for Ukrainians

Russia’s latest crime in Mariupol: stealing property

It is seizing homes in order to consolidate control

Russia’s explosion of a huge Ukrainian dam had surprising effects

A year after the blast and flood, Ukrainians disagree over whether to rebuild Kakhovka

How Ukrainian farmers are using the cover of war to escape taxes

“Black grain” infuriates exporters playing by the rules

Ukraine’s draft dodgers are living in fear

Ever more conscripts are needed against Russia’s offensive

Two years of war have impoverished many Ukrainians

The elderly, the displaced and the disabled are the worst affected


Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is part of his revolution against the West

He is leading Russia into a new phase of strategic confrontation, says Stephen Covington, a longtime NATO adviser

A peace conference over Ukraine is unlikely to silence the guns

Serious negotiations are unlikely to begin before the year’s end at the earliest

How countries rank by military spending

Our analysis shows how NATO allies match up against their rivals

Russia is ramping up sabotage across Europe

The Kremlin believes it is in a shadow war with NATO

Finally, America’s Congress does right by Ukraine

Disaster has been dodged. But the political malaise that delayed the Ukraine funding bill remains

Domestic Russia

The Kremlin is rewriting Wikipedia

A new version of history is taking shape

Sergei Shoigu’s sacking points to yet more attrition in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin wants Russia’s armed forces to be better supplied

Russia is struggling to find its missing soldiers

Vladimir Putin’s war has left thousands of searching families in limbo

Vladimir Putin blames an Islamist attack on Ukraine and America

How to use a disastrous security failure to bolster dictatorship

Vladimir Putin begins Operation Blame Ukraine

The Kremlin senses an opportunity in the tragedy of Crocus City Hall

Vladivostok is a window into wartime Russia

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is transforming the far-eastern city

Global economic fallout

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine

Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain

What do you do with 191bn frozen euros owned by Russia?

The question that now confronts Western policymakers

How to put Russia’s frozen assets to work for Ukraine

Exploit them to the full, but legally

Europe faces a painful adjustment to higher defence spending

The choices: taxes, cuts elsewhere, more borrowing

Explaining the war

Russia is ramping up sabotage across Europe

The Kremlin believes it is in a shadow war with NATO

What are the Russian “turtle tanks” seen in Ukraine?

Wrapping vehicles in corrugated metal might protect them from drone attacks

Who is jamming airliners’ GPS in the Baltic?

Russia seems to be the culprit, but it may be inadvertent

The growing role of fighting robots on the ground in Ukraine

Drones already fill the skies. Now uncrewed vehicles are heading to the front lines

Might Russia run out of big guns?

Its armed forces may be out-shelling the Ukrainians—but they are wearing out their artillery

Why Germany is reluctant to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine

Olaf Scholz seems determined to defy pressure from Germany’s allies and domestic opposition