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Senate House Update

This webpage has been put together to provide information on Bristol SU services being provided from Senate House.

Bristol SU is changing to become more of a multi-site organisation. Based on student feedback, we're bringing some of the support and services we offer to Senate House from 22 April 2024. We'll be bringing our Welcome Desk, Academic Advice Service, your elected SU Officers and other staff right to the heart of campus. You'll still be able to access events, activity rooms, study space, and more in the Richmond Building.


Latest Updates

24 May

The Richmond Building 

Building works will be starting soon on the 4th floor of the Richmond Building in preparation for CALD (Centre for Academic Language and Development) to take over the old SU Office space.

Construction will take place w/c 17 June and will continue until August (end date TBC).

From 17-28 June there will be no access to the north side 4th floor corridor, including toilets, student group storage and the prayer room. Student groups affected have been informed, and the prayer room is being temporarily re-located to the 2nd floor green room.

Senate House

We will soon be starting work on the 5th floor foyer area of Senate House to make this a more welcoming space to engage with Bristol SU.

Whilst this work takes place, our services offered from Senate House will temporarily be available online only. This will be from 17 – 28 June. We plan to re-open the 5th floor foyer space on Monday 1 July when we look forward to welcoming you. 

Further information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found below. If you have a question which isn’t answered, please feel free to contact us at

Key Benefits for Students

  1. We'll be bringing key SU services to the heart of campus - making it easier for student to access advice, learning and development opportunities, SU democracy and campaigns, and your elected officer team
  2. It'll be easier than ever to pop in to your SU and have a chat with a staff member about something you care about
  3. We'll be reducing the size of our office space, minimizing our energy consumption, and creating more space for teaching and tutoring
  4. We'll be in the right place to facilitate our offer of wellbeing and community activities in our other much-loved Senate House spaces
  5. The SU taking on the space secured the long-term future of two large Senate House rooms for student group activities - which only happens if the SU are the tenants

We've pulled together some Frequently Asked Questions for you to find out more about this change and what it might mean.

We expect to move and be accessible from our new office location from Monday 22 April 2024. Below you can see what you will be able to expect from each location.

What will I find where?

Here is an overview of what you'll be able to find in each space from 22 April:

The Richmond Building

  • Bristol SU Shop
  • Bristol SU Event Spaces
  • Bristol SU Activity Rooms

5th Floor Senate House

  • Bristol SU Welcome Desk
  • Bristol SU Academic Advice
  • Bristol SU Staff team
  • Bristol SU Activity Rooms
  • Bristol SU Development team meetings

Questions about the change

What is changing?

We regularly get feedback from students that we're too far away, so we're bringing our support and services right to the heart of campus, becoming more of a multi-site organisation. You'll be able to access our Welcome Desk, Academic Advice service and see SU officers and staff on the 5th floor of Senate House. However, we're not moving completely. We'll also keep a small office in The Richmond Building (alongside our event and activity spaces) for staff who need to work here.

When will the change take place?

The move was completed by Monday 22 April 2024.

We will soon be starting work on the 5th floor foyer area of Senate House to make this a more welcoming space to engage with Bristol SU.

Whilst this work takes place, our services offered from Senate House will temporarily be available online only. This will be from 17 – 28 June. We plan to re-open the 5th floor foyer space on Monday 1 July when we look forward to welcoming you.

Will there be any changes to the services provided by Bristol SU due to the move?

No! What we offer students will stay the same, the quality of our services will stay the same, but more services will be delivered from Senate House.

What will I be able to find where?

  • Bristol SU Shop - The Richmond Building
  • Bristol SU Event Spaces - The Richmond Building Bristol
  • SU Activity Rooms - The Richmond Building and Senate House
  • Bristol SU Academic Advice - 5th Floor Senate House Bristol
  • SU Staff Team - 5th Floor Senate House
  • Bristol SU Welcome Desk - 5th Floor Senate House
  • Bristol SU Development team meetings - 5th Floor Senate House
Will there be any disruption to ongoing events, activities or services during the move?

We're trying to ensure that the move disrupts our usual activity as little as possible. All the services that currently run from the Richmond Building will continue to do so until the move over.

We will soon be starting work on the 5th floor foyer area of Senate House to make this a more welcoming space to engage with Bristol SU. Whilst this work takes place, our services offered from Senate House will temporarily be available online only. This will be from 17 – 28 June. We plan to re-open the 5th floor foyer space on Monday 1 July when we look forward to welcoming you.

From 3-28 June there will be no access to the north side 4th floor corridor in the Richmond Building, including toilets, student group storage and the prayer room. Student groups affected have been informed, and the prayer room is being temporarily re-located to the 2nd floor green room.

Will there be any changes in opening hours or staff availability?

No. The SU Welcome desk will continue to be open from 9am-5pm in Senate House from Monday 22 April, once we have changed location.

How much is it costing the SU to move?

The University is funding the move as part of budgeted spend.

What is happening to the student space on the 5th Floor?

The fifth floor in Senate House has temporarily been a space available to students, although the University's plan has always been to repurpose the space. If we weren't to take the space for our offices, then it would instead go to another University department. With Bristol SU taking the space, we've managed to retain the use of rooms 5.20 and 5.22 for student group activity in the evening.

We know that there is a shortage of study space on campus and we are actively lobbying the University to find additional space for students to study and to make it easier to find out which study spaces have availability. The study space in the Richmond Building will remain available for students to study, and we're looking at increasing the capacity of this during peak assessment times.

From Thursday 25 April - Friday 31 May the Carpenter Room in the Richmond Building will be able to be used throughout the day, during weekdays and weekends, to help provide additional study space for students.

Will any of the space still be able to be used by students?

Once the building work and move have taken place, student groups will be able to continue to use rooms 5.20 and 5.22 for their activities in the evenings.

How will this affect study space during assessments?

We know that there is a shortage of study space on campus and we are actively lobbying the University to find additional space for students to study and to make it easier to find out which study spaces have availability.

We've pulled together an alternative guide to study spaces which you might find useful.

From Thursday 25 April - Friday 31 May the Carpenter Room in the Richmond Building will be able to be used throughout the day, during weekdays and weekends, to help provide additional study space for students.

What is replacing the SU's old office location?

CALD (the Centre for Academic Language and Development) will be expanding to take over the previous SU Office spaces on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Richmond Building.

Building works will be starting soon on the 4th floor of the Richmond Building in preparation for CALD (Centre for Academic Language and Development) to take over the old SU Office space.

Construction will take place w/c 3 June and will continue until August (end date TBC).

From 3-28 June there will be no access to the north side 4th floor corridor, including toilets, student group storage and the prayer room. Student groups affected have been informed, and the prayer room is being temporarily re-located to the 2nd floor green room.

Questions about Student Groups

How will this affect student group room bookings?

We have been able to find alternative space for all student group bookings affected by the building work, and we are pleased to have worked with the university to identify additional spaces that can be used by student groups on an ad-hoc basis this term.

Depending on how these spaces are looked after, we hope that we might be able to extend access to spaces in the Hawthorns into next academic year. We have also had confirmation that the CALD seminar rooms will be available for student group bookings in the evenings next academic year.

Which rooms will no longer be available for student group room bookings?

The following rooms at Senate House will no longer be available for student group room bookings. 5.04 (small) 5.05 (small) 5.07 (small) 5.10 (medium) The Gromit room and Hannah More room in the Richmond Building will no longer be available for student group room bookings in the evening. We are actively looking for alternative solutions for groups who previously used those rooms.

Will there be parcel storage for student groups?

Yes, we will have some space for us to receive post and parcels on behalf of student groups. Exactly what is available will be confirmed soon.

Is the Media Suite moving too?

The Media Suite is not included in the plans for the 5th floor of Senate House. We are in contact with Epigram and UBTV about the plans for the media suite and the university have found them an alternative space.

Will the space still be used by students?

Once the move and building work have taken place, student groups will be able to continue to use rooms 5.20 and 5.22 for their activities in the evenings.

Got a question which hasn't been answered? Just get in touch at and someone will get back to you soon. 

Alternative Study Space

  1. There are eight libraries and four study centres that can be used by any student at the University. Want to guarantee a space? You can book up to 20 hours of study desk space a week, and there are group study spaces you can book too. 
  2. Use the University Study Space Finder to check availability.
  3. There is study space available in the Richmond Building providing a range of different seating options, some PCs and whiteboards available, great views and even a microwave to heat up your lunch on the second floor! 
  4. There are city council libraries all over the city, that have a range of different opening hours (some stay open into the early evening).