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pluckedkiwi's user avatar
pluckedkiwi's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
33 votes

Could the development of a body armour that completely stops any small arms fire make a civilization go back to medieval-style combat?

32 votes

How would humans adapt if low-wage labor was done by robots?

24 votes

Ideal Firearms for time travel or low tech universe exploration

22 votes

Can a society with no electricity develop modern weaponry?

21 votes

Close Quarters Combat... In Space

16 votes

What aspect of planet Earth must be changed to prevent the industrial revolution?

14 votes

Could an organism see in infrared light as well as normal light, using its brain to process what it sees into a single image?

14 votes

Self-sufficient Ark

13 votes

Why would robots move us around if we don't want to go anywhere?

12 votes

Why wouldn't elves be the dominant species?

11 votes

Suspended animation vs. regular animation aboard a spaceship

10 votes

Could "soylent" or "body fuel" be mass produced cheaply without the reliance on agriculture?

10 votes

How could a humanist civilization favor the selfless?

9 votes

What is the best apex predator to thin the zombie herds?

9 votes

Could a Mars colony use asteroids as weapons against the earth?

8 votes

Culturally Correct Ideal City Location

8 votes

Cultural reasons to prevent the industrial revolution

8 votes

Would gorillas with human-level intelligence make effective soldiers?

8 votes

Practicality of Heated Crop Fields

7 votes

Anatomically correct Arachne

7 votes

What all stops working when I pause time?

7 votes

Would people develop spoken language if everyone was telepathic?

7 votes

What farming practices would allow the Earth to support a population as high as 200 billion

6 votes

How can you build a secure, pre-digital distributed ledger?

6 votes

Why would a government release a virus that preferentially kills old people; would a country struggling with an aging population secretly do this?

6 votes

What is a realistic time needed to get a properly trained army?

6 votes

How can I make steampunk airships less flimsy?

6 votes

Multigeneration ship pet

6 votes

You eat this plant, it eats you right back. Can it work?

5 votes

Money and Money, can two different currency types be realistically maintained in the same economy?