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Questions tagged [wp-query]

"wp-query" ambiguously refers to one of two things. 1) WP_Query is a class native to WordPress which allows users to query the posts database using a number of criteria. 2) $wp_query is the global variable that holds the main query object prepared by WordPress based on a given request.

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2 answers

How Can I use WP_Query to Only Display 1 Post from Custom Post Type if Query Returns Posts with Matching ID in Custom Field

I have searched high and low for a solution and couldn't find anything; hopefully someone here more skilled than myself can lend a hand. I have two testimonial videos (from a video custom post type) ...
1 vote
1 answer

WP_Query: "post_parent" and "post_type" combination returning strange results

I'm experiencing some interesting results using post_parent along with post_type (local, WP 5.8): I have a custom post type project (with 'hierarchical' => true) where I'm grabbing all child posts ...
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2 answers

Merge two queries and remove duplicate

I want to merge two queries together and remove duplicate. I got it working individually. Now I got it working together but the results are not mixed and the duplicates are not removed. So I got the ...
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1 answer

How to filter my search in post if contains a word in title, content or excerpt?

I'm trying to filter one search, and I'm interested in know if a word is inside the title, the content or the excerpt but without luck and finally I'm stucked. $args = array( 'post_type' =...
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1 answer

Pagination not working in custom loop WP_Query

Please help with pagination I have code that works fine (functions.php) function projects_custom_number_of_posts( $query ) { $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 2 ); return; } add_action( '...
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1 answer

How to create a three column blog layout with a single query and with three different classes?

I am trying to achieve the following layout : I have created a shortcode for this but I am not getting the desired result. Can anyone guide me where I am getting it wrong. Here is full shortcode. ...
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1 answer

Why pagination is not working with tax_query param?

this is my query: $p_query = new WP_Query(array( 'post_type' => $post_type ,'post_status' => 'publish' ,'posts_per_page' => $per_page // 6 ,'paged' => $page // 2 ,'...
1 vote
1 answer

Dynamic content based on a URL parameter

So, I'm doing some wordpress development studies and classes, and now I got an project to work on, and need to get the following task done: I'm doing a telecom website. The site has a page called "Buy"...
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1 answer

Display related CPT with custom taxonomy

I have two custom post types: "storefront_location" and "services" These are linked by a custom taxonomy "location" I am building a post template for "...
1 vote
1 answer

WP_Query tax query part of slug

I have problem with filtering post with tax query. I have a custom taxonomy called 'actors' and example of the slug is 'david-hasselhoff'. The problem is the post is found when I search with 'david ...
5 votes
1 answer

Order wp_query by calculated field

Hi I'm working on a store locator. I have a custom post "clinics" where I save clinic details (address,.., lat, lng). Each time I publish a new clinic I save post_id, lat and lng also in a custom ...
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1 answer

Custom taxonomy and query multi conditions

I have this query $query->set( 'tax_query', array( 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'taxonomy' => 'location', ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unusual high query of user meta data

We have a WordPress installation with many plugins installed. The site is not that highly frequented (maybe 10-20 concurrent users). I know the amount of plugins comes at a cost of performance. ...
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2 answers

Unable to get all tags from specific categories

Page in question. I'm trying to use a WP_Query(); targeting specific categories and displaying all the tags used for posts within those categories. I noticed that some tags, like truffles aren't ...
1 vote
2 answers

the_post() within switch_to_blog() altering my excerpt

I have a strange problem I'm facing when using WP_Query with multisite in a plugin I'm writing which hooks into add_meta_boxes. I'm wanting to display all post titles in a dropdown in a meta box. ...

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