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Adding a language rule and displaying posts with a custom taxonomy term on its archive page

The WordPress website I'm working on is available in two languages using Polylang, en-US and en-PH. I use CPT UI and have a custom taxonomy "subtopic" that is not multilingual. Under "...
Sum's user avatar
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Same query args showing different results order when setting different number of posts

This query using the same arguments is returning different posts order: sample / test codes: // Query 1 $query_args = [ 'post_type' => 'business', 'showposts' => 8, 'no_found_rows' =&...
FatMiming's user avatar
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Custom query with custom filtering returning incorrect results

I've setup a custom query, I'm using Woocommerce and I am aware that it has it's own functionality, but have been tasked with creating custom filtering with a traditionally paged product/category ...
Bagseye's user avatar
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Custom Query: Multiple CPTs and a taxonomy filter

I want to create a post feed that displays the following: ALL posts in the CPT 'custom_post_type_1' Any 'post's in the category 'speakers' So far, I have this filter which displays all posts in '...
srack's user avatar
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Any quicker alternative for WP_Query "NOT IN"

I am using the following wp_query to pull up a list of post, and I want to exclude a few categories of a custom taxonomy. It works well, however Query Monitor is telling me that the query is slow. I ...
Edegist's user avatar
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Tax Query on product_cat using NOT IN as operator does not exclude that category

Using the following code, I expect $items to not include products with the product category "stones." However, that is not the result. It doesn't seem to be excluding that category at all. ...
the.s.brom's user avatar
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Fastest way of counting posts of a custom post type in a specific taxonomy term?

I know this kind of question is legion but I have read through all related topics and I can't find a satisfying solution. What I want to achieve is simple: on my taxonomy (author) term archive page I ...
Julien G's user avatar
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Tax Query only returns for the first of several terms

I'm trying to query a customer post type where the results may be within one of several associated terms. The issue however is that only the first term yellow-gold-jewellery is being returned for, and ...
jmcgrory's user avatar
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Facing problem with tax_query results

I need to get search results for posts on the basis of post-category(must) and posts-tags(optional). The process is like: search for a string e.g. "bananas" the category is always static ...
Majid A.'s user avatar
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Adding a tax_query to a WP_Query Object

Is it possible to modify a WP_Query object to add a tax_query? That is -- I'm able to add a tax_query when instantiating a WP_Query object $q = new WP_Query(array( 'post_type' => 'post', '...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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Show posts from two specific category in WP_Query

I've two category employee and full-time. If a post publish in both (employee and full-time) category then the post will show in his specific section. If post has only employee category, not full-time ...
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Display related CPT with custom taxonomy

I have two custom post types: "storefront_location" and "services" These are linked by a custom taxonomy "location" I am building a post template for "...
srack's user avatar
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WP Query should show No Posts when tax_query $args taxonomies don't have associated posts

I have a simple query. Getting the posts only if it have both the taxonomies in it. $args = array( 'post_type' => 'treatment', 'tax_query' => array( '...
Joy's user avatar
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Multiple dynamic Tax Query - pass taxonomy argument from array

I need to make a multiple dynamic tax query $args['tax_query'] = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomies, 'field' =&...
Gozer's user avatar
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Get list of terms that have posts in another term

I have a product attribute called "color" and when I am on the archive page (e.g. color=blue) I want to display a list of all the parent product categories that contain products with that ...
Edegist's user avatar
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