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Showing all posts of the current custom taxonomy on archive page

I have created a custom post (houses) and a custom taxonomy (houses_area). On each houses_area archive page, I want to see all the posts displayed by alphabetical order. I get stuck in calling the ...
Anna's user avatar
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Filter on one post type with taxonimy and get other post type

I would like to fetch my posts of type 'news', 'videos', 'webinars', 'whitepapers', 'testimonials', and 'landing-pages' and apply a "filter" to only get the landing-pages type with the ...
WypSteur's user avatar
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Loop a Single Taxonomy and Output all Posts Associated (but also show a message for empty ones)

I have a custom post type for Vacancies, with a Taxonomy of Location set up. What I've achieved is looping through all Locations and then showing underneath associated posts. Update: Thanks to @...
AP_19's user avatar
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Query top level custom post in taxonomy

This is my first post, I'm a bit stuck. I have a custom post (dan) and taxonomy (dnas), with hierarchical categories. I want to make a query resulting in posts at toplevel (hoofdcategorie01, ...
Dennis's user avatar
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How to display posts from home page in blogs in category wise

actually i am converting html to wordpress and i have posts on home i want to display them on blog page in category wise rightnow my blog page in working on index.php, I have made some post dynamic ...
Mujtaba's user avatar
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Include custom post type that matches taxonomy field in another custom post type

I have two custom post types, one is “maker” and the other “product”. (used ACF plugin) I have a taxonomy field for Business Name, this field is called “choose_business” in the product custom post ...
Nik Nak Sim's user avatar
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Using WP Query, I want to include all posts in category 1 as long as they are not also in category 2

$args = array( 'post_type' => 'product', 'meta_key' => 'sorting_weight', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => 'DESC', 'tax_query' =&...
user229880's user avatar
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How can I get taxonomy term name using term slug & post ID using build in WordPress function or class?

I have the following SQL query: SELECT FROM wp_posts p INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships tr ON tr.object_id = INNER JOIN wp_terms t ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_id WHERE ...
vaso123's user avatar
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get_the_terms has strange result since version 6.0

Since version 6.0 of WordPress some of my code with get_the_terms() doesn't work as expected in several sites where I use custom query loops. For example I have this loop where I want to get the ...
Remy Jacobs's user avatar
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Can't get term id for category archive

I am trying to get the term_id of the current category archive. On the category archive, when I var_dump($wp_query) object(WP_Query)#1189 (55) { ["query"]=> NULL ["query_vars&...
Alexnl's user avatar
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How to add custom meta to 'pre_get_terms'?

I have a custom taxonomy with custom meta. I have added the custom meta values to columns in the admin list page just fine. But if I search for values that are in these columns nothing is found. I'm ...
Michael's user avatar
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WP query taxonomy optimization

Is there any way to speed this query? Noob here. SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) WHERE 1=1 AND (...
Milan M's user avatar
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Use get_cat_ID to retreive multiple category IDs

I am trying to use the names of categories stored in user meta (ie users' preferences) to control an on-page query’s parameters. $topicsofinterest = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(),'...
smallnorthumbrianvillage's user avatar
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Order by slug in get_terms with multiple taxonomies

I am builing a search engine where I need to search in 2 different taxonomies and sort them by slug. I got this code to do so. $search = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'search' ] ); $content = ''; $...
Mastafu's user avatar
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Output an array of terms for a 'tax_query' => array()

I'm trying to use custom fields on the backend to set the taxonomies in a WP_Query for a category archive on the front end. In the page template. this gets my categories from the custom field: $terms =...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar

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