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Questions tagged [csh]

The C shell (csh), once one of the two major Unix shells with the Bourne shell. Csh had more advanced interactive feature but has been surpassed by modern Bourne-style shells such as zsh and bash.

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1 answer

Setting environment variable using shell script

I am using csh scripts for some automation purpose. I have a number of scripts, and the beginning of all of which I need to set a fixed set of environment variables. |----SCRIPT 1---| |----SCRIPT ...
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1 answer

cleartool command not found from .cshrc but found when manually called

I'm having an issue with cleartool commands called from my .tcshrc. I try to call cleartool setview, but get a cleartool: Command not found error. however, when I call the command from the terminal, ...
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3 answers

CSH and all output (with errors) to file

I need save all output from compilation to file. I have many errors undefined reference and I want see all of these errors. I try makeall >& out, but in file out aren't any of error undefined ...
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2 answers

Find files created after a particular time in csh on SunOS

On my SunOS system, I'm trying to find all files created after 7 PM using csh, ls, and awk. ls -l "${Source_files_Dir}"/*.zip| awk -v today="$(date "+%b %d")" '{ date=$6&...
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1 answer

How to execute an alias, encapsulated in another source file?

For instance ~/.cshrc: alias job_start 'cd $PROJ_DIR && source .env/bin/activate.csh && rehash && job_run' $PROJ_DIR/.env/bin/activate.csh: alias job_run '(cd $PROJ_DIR/...
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0 answers

Changing variables inside a csh script [duplicate]

I have a csh script and I have to callenter code here bash script that changes the value of an environment variable, like this: changevar file: #!/usr/bin/bash export FFF=0 beforevar.csh file #!/bin/...
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1 answer

Is there a way to disable history for one command in TCSH?

I am executing a command in TCSH, which requires me to pass a password on the command line. Obviously, I would like it not to be saved in the history file. I know that other shells like Bash supports ...
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2 answers

Load files in sequential order

I need to load multiple files in my shell script with the same filename but appended in the front of each file name is YYMMDDPERSONNEL Examples: 231102PERSONNEL and 230103PERSONNEL There are many ...
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0 answers

Substitute square bus in csh script

I have input list: adr[0] adr[1] xadr[0] I want my output is: adr[*] adr[*] xadr[*] #! /bin/csh -fv set list = "adr[0] adr[1] xadr[2]" foreach f (${list}) set f_tmp = `echo "$f&...
0 votes
1 answer

How can wildcard expansion create duplicates?

I have a directory with an absurd number of files, which makes this nigh impossible to understand by inspection. But here's the situation: cp giant_folder/pre* myfolder It's crunching along and ...
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1 answer

csh: redirecting output from foreach

In csh: How do I redirect the output from a foreach-loop to a pipe? This works but uses a temp file: set tmpfile=/tmp/file ...
0 votes
1 answer

pipe into if then in csh/tcsh

I would like to have a csh script to test a variable between two pipes. For example (the incoming resembles a json file but without the newlines and indentations): set debug = 1 cat test.inp | if ($...
0 votes
1 answer

C-Shell - stripping wildcards from user input

I am trying to strip wildcards from user input text in a c-shell script. I realize that the shell automatically expands all wildcards prior to storing the data. Is there a way to isolate the non-...
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1 answer

Calling a script from within csh with output redirection

What I would want: #!/bin/csh # call /myscriptpath/myscript.any and redirect 2>&1 and get retval and output set my_msg = `/myscriptpath/myscript.any` set my_ret = `echo $?` How to capture the ...
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1 answer

When logging into a UNIX/Linux box, which profile scripts are executed?

When logging into a UNIX/Linux box, which profile scripts are executed? Typically there are several different profile scripts that set the $PATH variable and other aspects of the user's environment. ...

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