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Questions tagged [exit-status]

Use this tag If your question revolves around determining or utilizing the exit status (return code) of a command. Common syntax involves the $? variable and the && and || symbols.

1 vote
2 answers

Ensuring Distinguishable Exit Codes for Shell Scripts

Say I have two shell scripts, and, where calls somewhere inside. Then, say that could exit with exit codes 0, 1, or 2. What are some techniques that can be employed to ensure ...
Pacopenguin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Detect if the previous line was a command or not

I'd like to enable Windows terminal shell integration in bash. (Don't judge me.) One nice feature is that the terminal can show a mark in the scrollbar for each command, with a color depending on ...
N.I.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Does there exist a tar implementation that exits 0 when an error occurs?

Vim runtime commit 3d37231437fc0f761664a7cabc8f7b927b468767 tries to fix a tar-editing plugin by removing the assumption that a filename doesn't contain the words warning, error, inappropriate or ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

zsh: check exit code of pipeline of commands

I have long pipeline of commands in zsh script: pv /dev/sda > sda.raw | sha256sum > sda.raw.sha256 | cut -c61-64 | read SHASUM how can I check inside an if statement, that all commands exited ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Calling a script from within csh with output redirection

What I would want: #!/bin/csh # call /myscriptpath/myscript.any and redirect 2>&1 and get retval and output set my_msg = `/myscriptpath/myscript.any` set my_ret = `echo $?` How to capture the ...
paulj's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How and why does using redirection or writing files within an if statement affect exit code?

In zsh echo 'a string' > test.txt echo $? 0 and [[ $(echo 'a string') ]] echo $? 0 whereas [[ $(echo 'a string' > test.txt) ]] echo $? 1 another example curl -so 'curl-8.2.1.tar.gz' https://...
pming's user avatar
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3 answers

Does `return 0` equal `true` (in sourced script to shell's environment)?

I am working on a highly portable script that users shall source to their shells, forcing me to use POSIX scripting. There are many useful functions in the script, one of them is special though, as ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why does `trap` passthough zero instead of the signal the process was killed with?

Consider the following: #!/bin/bash trap 'echo $?' INT kill -INT $$ Output: 0 Here I would expect 130 for my system. Of course, if I do a Ctrl + C then I get 130. The same thing happens for any ...
Elliot Killick's user avatar
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Negate exit status of process

In a project, I have a test setup where I read the exit status $? of a command. In my test, I want to ensure that the string foobar is not present in the output. When I run the command: ./program | ...
user388557's user avatar
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2 answers

Get exit status of the first command in a pipeline *in the second command*

My question is similar to Get exit status of process that's piped to another, but I want to get the exit status of the first command in the pipe within the pipe. Here's an example: false | echo &...
MilkyDeveloper's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

systemctl can't find executables while root can?

Strange thing: I've created a service, that should start a springboot fat archive webserver. Service: #!/bin/bash [Unit] Description=JalouWeb [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/opt/jaloucontrol ...
fbstov's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting first line of piped output sets exist status 141 which fails bash script with set -eo pipefail

I have a bash script that runs a command from which I want to get only the first line of output. The obvious answer is some_command | head -1, right? Well, this works 99% of the time, but when the ...
EM0's user avatar
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Make systemd treat unexpected exit as failure

I'm wrapping a 3rd party executable in a systemd service unit to manage it. I can't alter the behavior of this program and I don't really trust its exit codes. I would like to treat any exit that ...
davolfman's user avatar
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1 answer

Using set -e (errexit) with block of commands and executing another on fail of that block (SC2181)

I just found out about set -e as I was searching for an answer to "how to run many commands (without &&) and immediately stop on non-zero exit code of any of them?". The set -e was ...
Andrew15_5's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Why does the "dc" command exit(1) when using q(uit)?

$ echo "$?" 0 $ echo 'q' | dc || echo "$?" 1 Why is using q to quit dc considered an error? (The test was run on Ubuntu 20.4.)
Ray Butterworth's user avatar

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