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How to extract a word that occurs between two keywords on a line? [duplicate]

Suppose I have a code mentioned below. module dut#(parameter type tp =int, tp x = 12 ) (int r , reg [7:0] rg); endmodule module mid (int r, reg [7:0] rg); endmodule module bin (int z, logix s); ...
Aakash's user avatar
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Comparing 2 files using awk , not getting any results - C shell

I am using c shell and trying to compare 2 files using awk . But the below awk statement doesnt give any result. Need to acheive this solution in awk using C shell. awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]++;next} { {...
exp post's user avatar
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Read data from a file in a csh script

Is there a way to read data from a csv file into a Cshell script? I have a small script, which calls another script recursively with a set of parameters. I want to read this set of parameters from a ...
RRC's user avatar
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Create file with specific formatting from directory contents

I am using Solaris and csh. In $home/test there are five files: a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt and e.txt. If I run % find $home/test/ -type f -print > ../filenames.txt that file will look like: /...
CGCampbell's user avatar
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C shell script : how do I compare two strings?

I'm a C shell user. I've two files. file 1: A B C D E file 2: A C B D E I want to compare only A-A, B-C, C-B, D-D, E-E using a for loop. If the strings match, then print "match". The output ...
user2905046's user avatar