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zsh: alias or shell function to only echo its command line, including shell control characters

Using zsh, I'd like to create an alias or a shell function that operates as follows: I want this alias or shell function to echo its command line without honoring any shell control characters such as &...
HippoMan's user avatar
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When does /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions get loaded?

As far as I can tell, my .zshrc doesn't manually source anything in /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions. If I try to write, in my .zshrc, an alias for a command that has completions set up in /usr/share/...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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How can I get aliases and functions descriptions?

I use oh-my-zsh and I have many aliases and functions I can't remember, so I use alias ag="alias | grep" to find out what an alias does. I also use alias-tips. But instead of getting the ...
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!!: command not found

Recently, I was getting a bit frustrated about not running commands as admin, and started using sudo !! a lot. I decided that, for ease of use, I'd create an alias ffs for that exact line. I added the ...
Dion's user avatar
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Zsh zinit load OhMyZsh plugin skipping aliases

I want to use these plugins using zinit to load git completions in zsh zinit wait lucid for \ OMZL::git.zsh \ OMZP::git But I don't care about the aliases, there are really too much aliases I ...
fchastanet's user avatar
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Custom alias outside .zshrc but ZSH_CUSTOM doesn't work in kali

For reference this is not a duplicate: I reviewed other Q and A like this but it doesn't work for me. Background: I'm using Kali in parallels. To keep my .zshrc file tidy I decided to mkdir ...
ShifraSec's user avatar
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zsh alias not being unaliased in zshrc

[leading dots elided because I don't want to type them] An alias--gl--is set to git pull by a plugin in my zshrc. I want to set it to a git log command. I'm on macOS and, as expected, /etc/zshrc is ...
meangrape's user avatar
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Scaping single quota in zsh alias

I like create any alias for docker commandas, and I need any alias use single quotes. I see post Escaping quotes in zsh alias but not work for me. Tried in .zshrc function dinfoip() { docker ...
Abdel Karim Mateos Sanchez's user avatar