I want to use these plugins using zinit to load git completions in zsh

zinit wait lucid for \
  OMZL::git.zsh \

But I don't care about the aliases, there are really too much aliases I already have my own.

How can I skip these alias definitions ?

I tried to disable alias command while plugin load but it doesn't work

zinit wait lucid for \
  atinit"alias alias=" \
  atload"unalias alias" \
  OMZL::git.zsh \

Any ideas ?

1 Answer 1


I found this solution that seems to work well

zinit wait lucid for \
  atinit'save_aliases=$(alias -L)' \
  atload'unalias -m "*"; eval ${save_aliases}; unset save_aliases' \

I also get rid of the library OMZL::git.zsh as I'm using powerlevel10k (it was redundant)

But after adding this trick to other plugins like kube or git plugins, there was a side effect as plugin loading system is done asynchronously.

I ended up with this that seems to work well so far, I simply aliased alias command to nothing just before the plugin is loaded (make stage).

zinit ice as"completion"
zinit wait lucid depth=1 for \
  make'alias alias=' \
  OMZP::docker \
  make'alias alias=' \

Note: the alias command is restored at the end of the process so I guess that the commands added to make stage are scopped to zinit loading.

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