


Changing the world, one nanometer at a time


Who are we? ASML is an innovation leader in the global semiconductor industry. We make machines that chipmakers use to mass produce microchips. Founded in 1984 in the Netherlands with just a handful of employees, we’ve now grown to over 40,000 employees, 143 nationalities and more than 60 locations around the world. What do we do? We provide chipmakers with hardware, software and services to mass produce patterns on silicon through lithography. Our lithography systems use ultraviolet light to create billions of tiny structures on silicon that together make up a microchip. We push our technology to new limits to enable our customers to create smaller, faster and more powerful chips. Who are our people? While you may think that only engineers and mathematicians work at ASML, you'll be surprised to find out that our people come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Across ASML, we have dedicated teams that manage customer support, communications and media, IT, software development and more. Every team in the company is essential for pushing our technology and the industry forward. If you love to tackle challenges and innovate in a collaborative, supportive and inclusive environment with all the flexibility and freedom to unleash your full potential, ASML is the place to be. Join us!

10,001+ 名員工
semiconductor、technology、hardware、software、lithography machine和innovation




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    ASML's longest-running lithography platform just got a new lease on life! 🎉 At SEMICON West 2024, our Mature Products & Services (MPS) business line announced that the lifetime of our PAS 5500 product line would be extended until at least 2035. 📱 Did you know? 70% of the various chips in your smartphone are produced using mature lithography, which delivers high productivity, reliability and cost efficiency. 🔧 In fact, over 90% of all PAS 5500 systems built since the 1990s are still in use today, supporting mainstream market growth driven by power, automotive, sensor and analog chips. To meet customer expectations for extended system lifespans, we launched a redesign program several years ago. This involved a complete renewal of the system's electronics and other modules, ensuring our customers can continue using the PAS platform for years to come. 👏 "The lifetime extension of the PAS 5500 until 2035 is highly valuable for our long-time customers in the mature market. I’m incredibly proud of our R&D teams in the Netherlands and Taiwan, who are working together with partners across our global ecosystem to overhaul and future-proof the platform’s design. In addition to supporting our customers, the refurbishment, reuse, and repair of these systems also contribute to a more sustainable chip industry," said Arjan van der Sijs, Head of MPS Development & Engineering at ASML.

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    When it comes microchips, tiny features require tiny tweaks. Even a small misalignment between microchip layers can negatively affect a chip’s performance. Now, with an improved lens-adjustment system developed by ASML and ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, chipmakers can correct misalignments of less than a nanometer. That means more microchips and better performance. Learn more: http://ms.spr.ly/6044lysd4

    Overachieving with overlay control

    Overachieving with overlay control


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    Did you know that it’s been more than 20 years since ASML shipped its first extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography system? EUV is already used to manufacture today's advanced chips, and High NA EUV is poised to enable the next generation. But before any of that, there were the Alpha Demo Tools. These prototypes were critical for collaborating with industry partners to further develop EUV and ready it for commercialization. Together, we pushed technology to new limits, and the results are all around us – maybe even in the device you're using to read this post.

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    How small is small, really? 🤔 As the demand for faster, more powerful and energy-efficient microchips grows, the chip industry is entering the 'angstrom' era of node scaling. So what does our nanoscopic world look like? 🔍

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    Hold onto your phones: The 2000s are calling! 📱 As we continue celebrating four decades of ASML, we remember the technological transformation from the web-surfing 1990s to the social-sharing 2000s. It was during this decade that we introduced immersion lithography, a game-changing technology that enabled the creation of more powerful, compact chips. These chips fueled the smartphone revolution and the explosive growth of social media apps, contributing to a new era of digital interaction and global connectivity. What was your first social media profile? 🤳

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    What makes cars computers on wheels? 🚗 Peek under the hood and discover the chips making vehicles smarter and safer. From powering central computing cores with high processing capacity to handling intensive real-time actions, semiconductor technology is steering us into the future of mobility. 🚀

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    Can AI become conscious? 🤖 🧠 Federico Faggin, a pioneer in semiconductor technology, argues in his book 'Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature' that while AI can mimic human behavior, it lacks true consciousness. He believes that consciousness involves quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, making it something that cannot be reduced to algorithms and computations. 💡 His view challenges the tech-utopian notion that AI will one day copy or surpass human consciousness. Instead, he emphasizes the unique and irreplaceable nature of human emotion. At ASML, we don't just push the boundaries of technology – we invite visionary thinkers to present their latest research and inspire us. What do you think sets human consciousness apart from AI? 🤔

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    Travel back to 1998: ASML’s Veldhoven headquarters was just beginning to take shape. Our PAS 5500 platform was gaining traction with major chipmakers while the semiconductor sector rode the waves of innovation in personal computing. As the industry surged, so did our growth, both in the number of employees and in system output, leading us to expand our offices and factories into a sprawling campus. Fast-forward to today: The semiconductor field is experiencing another revolution, driven by advancements in AI, with projections forecasting it to become a trillion-dollar market by 2030. Just as before, we're committed to keep powering technology forward with you by preparing for this growth. This means sustainably expanding our global footprint, hiring and training top talent, and staying laser-focused on the needs of our customers.💡

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    This Pride Month, our Proud ASML community is celebrating at the first-ever Eindhoven Pride Parade! 🌈 At ASML, we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone can express their true selves. This year, our Proud ASML network turns 10. Here's to many more years of connection, togetherness and embracing our unique identities. 🎉

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