Why blood donation on a regular basis is a healthy practice

World Blood Donor Day on June 14th emphasizes the importance of voluntary blood donations, established by WHO to honor donors and raise awareness about the need for regular donations to ensure a stable blood supply.
Why blood donation on a regular basis is a healthy practice
World Blood Donor Day, observed on June 14th, highlights the importance of voluntary blood donations to save lives and improve health. Established by the World Health Organization (WHO), this day honors donors for their selfless contributions and raises awareness about the need for regular donations to ensure a stable blood supply. It emphasizes the role of safe blood in critical treatments, surgeries, and emergencies.
Celebrating this day encourages more people to become donors, fostering a culture of community solidarity and health. Each donation can save multiple lives, making every donor a vital part of the healthcare system.
Blood is necessary for survival and general well-being. India, the second most populous nation in the world, lacks two million blood units annually. Since just 1% of Indians donate blood, there is a twofold discrepancy between the supply and demand.
In 2017, India need 60 million units of blood, but barely half of that quantity was available, according to the WHO. In times of need, many Indian blood banks find it difficult to supply enough blood. The demand-supply gap is thought to be completely erased if just 1% of the population, on top of the present donors, gave blood on a voluntary basis.
Frequent blood donation has several positive effects on health. It can lessen the risk of heart disease by lowering blood iron levels, which contributes to the maintenance of cardiovascular health. Regular donors frequently go through exams for health conditions that can help identify possible problems early. Donating blood encourages the growth of new blood cells, improving blood circulation and general wellness. It also burns calories, which may help with weight management.
Moreover, giving blood can have positive psychological effects by giving one a feeling of purpose and wellbeing by supporting others. Consistent blood donation contributes to a steady supply of blood for the underprivileged, strengthening the bonds of community and compassion.

Who is eligible to give blood?
In order to donate blood, a person must be in good health and not suffer from any blood-related or chronic illnesses. Regular blood tests can verify an individual's eligibility to donate blood. Doctors usually advise routine blood tests at least once a year for a healthy individual. Frequent examinations for health issues aid in tracking physical well-being and changes over time, enabling prompt treatment to avert chronic illnesses.

Ensuring the quality of their donated blood is the donor's primary duty. Donors must be at least eighteen years old, weigh more than forty-five kilograms, and be free of contagious or chronic illnesses in order to give blood. Nonetheless, high blood pressure sufferers and women who are pregnant or menstruating are not allowed to give.
Every two seconds, a person in India needs to donate blood; every day, almost 40,000 donors are needed. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recorded 10.9 million blood donations in 2016, which was less than the required 12 million units. Group O blood is the most in demand in hospitals. It is possible for one accident victim to need more than 100 blood units. Furthermore, every year more than a million people are diagnosed with cancer, requiring daily blood donations or blood transfusions during chemotherapy sessions.

Donating blood is safe, therefore don't hesitate to do so. Donating blood is a safe procedure that involves using sterilised needles for each donor and discarding them after use. The process of donating blood consists of four easy steps: registration, evaluation of medical history, blood donation, and refreshments.
Medical practitioners minimise the danger of infection by taking all required precautions. Normally, 300–400 mL of blood are drawn, and the body needs 24–48 hours to replenish the volume of blood lost. In four to six weeks, the red blood cells (RBCs) are restored.
It is also true that men are eligible to donate blood every three months, while women can only donate once every four months. Blood donors must be at least 65 years old, while regular donors over 60 may be accepted with a doctor's approval. Donating blood can save lives, therefore don't think twice about doing so. You might donate 192 units of blood, possibly saving over 500 lives, if you begin giving at the age of 18 and continue every 90 days until you are 60.

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Blood donors who suffer from diseases that can be spread by blood are not eligible to donate. This covers those who have recently had heart surgery, are HIV positive, have a blood clotting disorder, or any other heart condition. Some people who shouldn't donate blood are those who have recently had a tattoo, received blood or blood components, had radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, have anaemia, have recently had chikungunya, dengue, or malaria, or use intravenous drugs.
Before giving blood, donors should make sure they eat a healthy meal, paying specific attention to foods high in iron, such as spinach, fish, meat, poultry, and beans. Additional drink and water consumption will be important before donating blood. Steer clear of caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea.
(Author: Dr Meet Kumar, Clinical Director, Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant, Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram)
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