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karlh's user avatar
  • Member for 9 months
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12 votes

How can I write a complex exponential in LaTeX so that it looks presentable?

5 votes

Control height of subscript in LaTeX

4 votes

why is ispackageloaded named with an @?

3 votes

TikZ seems to be plotting the wrong function?

2 votes

Making overlap in TikZ figure

2 votes

Draw shaded region using tikz and pgfplots

2 votes

Pgf cone drawing

2 votes

Change margin of every quote block

2 votes

is there a limit to the number of author affiliations \documentclass{article} will list, and how do I increase it

2 votes

Tikz node anchor and alignment

2 votes

"references" show up when displaying bibliography

1 vote

Enlarging the length of a table cell

1 vote

How to start a chapter with numbering as 9.1

1 vote

I want this type of layout design for my document

1 vote

ending bracket in Latex error for multi line equation

1 vote

tikz positioning library using 'at'

1 vote

pdflatex can't find an installed package

1 vote

How to APA cite in LATEX

1 vote

Applying \MakeUppercase on \makebox makes text disappear

1 vote

Beamer - check the slide number of a frame

0 votes

Reduce size of indentation between cascading itemize and enumerate environments

0 votes

TikZ-subfigures are not horizontally aligned

0 votes

how to specify line width and line color in longtable environment

0 votes

Cleveref's poorman option does't work with hyperref

0 votes

How to define a fixed space between dot and the next word of the following sentence?

0 votes

DIsplay ORCID icon instead of ID in LNCS template

0 votes

Help in identifying the font

0 votes

Biblatex makes substitutions for \textgamma that cause errors

0 votes

Appropriate Font for Figure Legends in Elsevier's Journal

-1 votes

How to put a line number every line to the algorithm with springer format