Some co-authors and I have put together an article for publication. However, there are 11 of us, each with different affiliations, and \documentclass{article} seems to have a limit on the number of affiliations it will list (this limit seems to be 10). How do I increase this limit?



\author{Albert\thanks{Alabama} \and Bradley\thanks{Birmingham} \and Catherine\thanks{Colorado} \and Diane\thanks{Denver} \and Elaine\thanks{El Paso} \and Frank\thanks{Florida} \and Gerald\thanks{Georgia} \and Harriet\thanks{Hanover} \and Igor \thanks{Iowa} \and Justin\thanks{Joplin} \and Katy\thanks{Kansas}}



some mathy stuff

  • 2
    It is better if you can show example on what you looking for.
    – Tom
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 22:01
  • Welcome to TeX.SE.
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 22:16
  • Tom and Mico, thanks for the recommendation. I have now edited the post.
    – duality
    Commented Nov 29, 2023 at 5:25
  • @Tom thanks for the recommendation. I have now edited the post to clarify my intentions.
    – duality
    Commented Nov 29, 2023 at 12:41
  • 1
    @Mico thanks for the example. However, that's not how I would like the affiliations to appear. I have now edited the post to clarify my intentions.
    – duality
    Commented Nov 29, 2023 at 12:42

2 Answers 2


The authblk package defines an \affil command that links authors to affiliations (including multiple authors with the same affiliation, if needed), and it uses Arabic numerals for the footnotes, so there should be no limit. This may be what you're looking for.

Note that the authblk (author block) package redefines the \author command, too, so you can either use the "traditional" method of separation with \and or you can use separate \author macros for each author.


It would helpful if you provided a basis for your claim that

\documentclass{article} seems to have a limit on the number of affiliations it will list (this limit seems to be 10).

As long as individual authors listed in the argument of \author are separated by the keyword \and, there's definitely no problem having eleven or, for that matter, even more authors.

enter image description here

\author{AA \\ aaa \and BB \\ bbb \and CC \\ ccc \and DD \\ ddd \and 
        EE \\ eee \and FF \\ fff \and GG \\ ggg \and HH \\ hhh \and 
        II \\ iii \and JJ \\ jjj \and KK \\ kkk}

Update after receiving additional information from the OP. The OP has clarified that he/she wants to display the authors' affiliations in footnotes, using the approach

\author{Albert\thanks{Alabama} \and Bradley\thanks{Birmingham} \and Catherine\thanks{Colorado} 
  \and Diane\thanks{Denver} \and Elaine\thanks{El Paso} \and Frank\thanks{Florida} 
  \and Gerald\thanks{Georgia} \and Harriet\thanks{Hanover} \and Igor \thanks{Iowa} 
  \and Janis\thanks{Joplin} \and Katy\thanks{Kansas}}

This causes a problem for the OP because (a) the \thanks instructions use symbols rather than numerals as footnote markers and (b) it apparently didn't occur to the designers of the article class to provide more than 10 separate footnote symbols. Tsk, tsk.

The fix? Load the footmisc package with the option symbol or symbol*, i.e., either \usepackage[symbol]{footmisc} or \usepackage[symbol*]{footmisc}. The output then becomes:

enter image description here

If the document has more than 16 [shudder!] joint authors, the symbol* option will automatically switch from symbols to numbers from author 17 onward.

If you would prefer a different set of symbolic footnote markers, or if your document has more than 16 authors [shudder again], please consult section 1.7, entitled "The \setfnsymbol and \DefineFNsymbols commands", of the user guide of the footmisc package for how to proceed.

  • 1
    Awesome! Thank you so much. This fixed the situation.
    – duality
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 4:53

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