I used the following code, below which is altered from https://latexdraw.com/draw-a-plane-intersecting-a-cone-in-latex/



\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


%Draw axis x, y and z, with grid on each plane of the axis

            axis equal image,
            grid = both,
            minor tick num = 2,
            xlabel = {$x$},
            ylabel = {$y$},
            zlabel = {$z$},
            major grid style = {draw = lightgray},
            minor grid style = {draw = lightgray!25},
            legend cell align={left},
            xmin = -1, xmax = 1,
            ymin = -1, ymax = 1,
            scale = 3,
            zmin = 0, zmax = 2,
            z buffer = sort,
        % Here comes the code
    shader = interp,
    samples = 50,
    samples y = 20,
    domain = 0:2*pi,
    domain y = 0:1,
    {cos(deg(x)) * y},
    {sin(deg(x)) * y},



but it has inverted the cone and I cannot think why, I tried to alter the z-axis to -y but this didn't work. Can anybody help me to turn the cone around? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


You can change the z-coordinate to {1-y} instead of {y}:



\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


%Draw axis x, y and z, with grid on each plane of the axis

            axis equal image,
            grid = both,
            minor tick num = 2,
            xlabel = {$x$},
            ylabel = {$y$},
            zlabel = {$z$},
            major grid style = {draw = lightgray},
            minor grid style = {draw = lightgray!25},
            legend cell align={left},
            xmin = -1, xmax = 1,
            ymin = -1, ymax = 1,
            scale = 3,
            zmin = 0, zmax = 2,
            z buffer = sort,
        % Here comes the code
    shader = interp,
    samples = 50,
    samples y = 20,
    domain = 0:2*pi,
    domain y = 0:1,
    {cos(deg(x)) * y},
    {sin(deg(x)) * y},



That adjustment gives this output: Cone "inverted"

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