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2 votes

Adjusting the title page in a thesis

Just use two tabular environments. Also, the spacing between elements is too small. I'd use stretching factors so the page is better filled. \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,openany]{book} \usepackage[ ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
3 votes

Address Formatting Issue in LaTeX

I don't think you should. The class is meant for submissions to Annals of Mathematics and their copy editors will take care of the final appearance. Anyway, you can patch. \documentclass[ manuscript,...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
4 votes

Address Formatting Issue in LaTeX

Set the address inside a tabular with a single, left-aligned column: \documentclass[manuscript, printscheme]{aomart} \title{A title} \author{An author} \address{\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} Ministry ...
Werner's user avatar
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0 votes

How to change author alignment in Beamer?

Since beamer v3.70, the default title page is modular and users can redefine individual elements as needed. For example the user can now easily add a table to the author template: \documentclass{...'s user avatar
1 vote

beamer titlepage how to organize authors in a table which spans slide-width

I wouldn't mess with the content of macros like \author etc. Instead you could either redefine the author template (and add your table there) and/or redefine the whole title page template if you need ...'s user avatar
0 votes

Displaying article title in fancyhdr header with conditionals

\makeatletter does nothing when used in the argument to another command. To be precise, with your code \@title has already been tokenized as \@•t•i•t•l•e (six tokens, the bullets are used just to ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
0 votes

Error in default commands for pretitle/posttitle

Red and yellow symbols to the left of the code editing area are Overleaf's guess at what may cause an error or warning during compilation. A red or yellow number above the pdf preview is the actual ...
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