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3 votes

Fancyhdr automatic header height

The problem is, at the time when the header and the footer are constructed, the body has already been made, and it can not be changed anymore. So you must set the geometry before the page construction ...
Pieter van Oostrum's user avatar
1 vote

Getting rid of "CHAPTER" in the header

It seems, what you are searching is almost the default of KOMA-Script class scrbook: \documentclass[12pt,sfdefaults=false,numbers=withenddot]{scrbook} \usepackage[paperwidth=6in, paperheight=9in, ...
cabohah's user avatar
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Add a custom header above an unnumbered chapter title (report document class)

I ended up writing it up myself & decided to share in case it's helpful to someone else. I basically copied the source code of the chapter function & macros (as documented in CTAN) and created ...
olamarre's user avatar
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Add a custom header above an unnumbered chapter title (report document class)

You would have to redefine the \chapter command to pick up the additional "header" (I will use the term "label" instead in my solution). And then you must redefine the chapter ...
Pieter van Oostrum's user avatar
1 vote

FancyHeader Right Header Location

Just add \hspace where you need space for the name: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[hmargin=25mm, vmargin={1cm,4.5cm}]{geometry} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,amscd,graphicx} \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
2 votes

How can I suppress the word 'Chapter' (book) and have number and title in one line?

You can modify \@makechapterhead directly. I put the chapter title into a \parbox to effect hanging indentation. \documentclass{book} \usepackage[german]{babel} \makeatletter \def\@makechapterhead#1{...
John Kormylo's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I suppress the word 'Chapter' (book) and have number and title in one line?

You can consider using Koma Script scrbook rather than book. \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage[german]{babel} \begin{document} \chapter{The first chapter} \end{document} Or you can customize ...
Mane32's user avatar
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titleps package: How to make boxed page number and header line appear as one element?

You can change the vertical shift of the rule to, e.g., \rule[-1.5ex]. I can't figure out the exact dimensions of the colored box, but I guess you know how much padding there is around the content, ...
Mullvadsungen's user avatar

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