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Questions tagged [kaobook]

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A blank space or character after a reference when using kaobook (biblatex) sidecite, but no space anywhere in the text nor in the used library

I have a fallowing blank space after \sidecite citation (the one before the dot and after ciation), even though there is no space defined anywhere. The sidecite in the kaobook is defined as: % ...
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Coloring hyperlinks in 'kaobook' document class

Is there anyway to color, say blue, the theorem when we use \ref{} (or \autoref{}) to refer a theorem? For eg. look at the article: In ...
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Reference-Error when compiling kaobook-class in overleaf community edition

raw.log Steps to Reproduce Installing overleaf community edition using the toolkit and successfully pulling every Texlive package via tlmgr install scheme-full Exporting the kaobook-Template from ...
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How to exercise widepar in kaobook

How to exercise widepar in kaobook I would like to make special exercises in kaobook in widepar(no margin) format.
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Is there a proper way to put `\fillin[]` inside `align` environment in the LaTeX `exam` class?

I am using \fillin[] command in the latex exam class to produce the following output: Convert the following angles from degrees to radians: \begin{questions} \begin{multicols}{4} \...
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Add custom part name to header using kaobook template in LaTeX

I am using the kaobook template for my document in LaTeX, and I would like to add the custom part name to the header. By default, the header only shows the chapter name. How can I modify the kaobook ...
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How to change sidenote's fontsize in kaobook [closed]

How could I change the \sidenote's fontsize in kaobook? Is there a parameter for it on \documentclass or something? More specifically, I want to be able to modify kaobook's \sidenote command, either ...
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Full-width xltabular in kaobook [closed]

I'm trying to follow an example from the kaobook documentation (4.3): The caption of a longtable is always positioned below the table, and it has the same width as the text (it doesn’t extend into ...
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How to use kaobook template with greek language and XeLaTeX?

TL;DR How can I compile kaobook template with greek language using XeLaTeX? I have been trying to compile kaobook with XeLaTeX for a book in greek language without success. The template uses ...
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How do I set a paper size other than A4 in the kaobook package?

It seems like it should be easy enough, seeing how the kao.sty file comes with this... % Set the default page layout \RequirePackage[ a4paper, bottom=27.4mm, inner=24.8mm, textwidth=...
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Kaobook not compiling (anywhere)

I am trying to compile the most basic file of the Kaobook template as provided here and it does not work. Now, on my TeXLive, it doesn't because it gives me in the report that it is missing an options....
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Why have certain characters disappeared?

Without having changed anything in my LaTeX installation, certain characters have disappeared. (I use pdflatex to compile file). For example, the + is no longer displayed in math mode. Here is an ...
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How to Modify Chapter number and Chapter title style in TOC by using kaobook.cls?

My tags are follows: \RequirePackage{scrlfile} \PreventPackageFromLoading{amssymb} \documentclass[% fontsize=10pt, twoside=true, open=any, chapterentrydots=true, numbers=...
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How do I change the main kaobook font to the default LaTeX font?

Kaobook's kao.sty file contains the section encoding and fonts: \newif\ifxetexorluatex \ifxetex \xetexorluatextrue \else \ifluatex \xetexorluatextrue \else \...
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Pandoc kaobook sidenote issue

I'm using Obsidian to write markdown text in order to export to PDF using pandoc PDFLateX. I'm using using tufte-book class and it's working perfect. The problem is that I'm trying to use kaobook ...
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Fix font size by using kaobook.cls

I'm not familiar with kaobook and its supporting files. My code are follows: \documentclass[ fontsize=10pt, twoside=true, open=any, chapterentrydots=true, numbers=noenddot ]{...
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How to define a \citewithabstract in kaobook to print BibLaTeX "abstract" content in the Bibliography chapter

@Book{Schouten2001, abstract = {... De Natuur Als Beeld In Religie, Filosofie En Kunst eerste druk is een boek van M.G.C. Schouten uitgegeven bij Knnv Uitgeverij. Er is tastbare natuur: de concrete ...
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How to use kaobook with French babel and keep the original bulleted list style?

I would like to use kaobook in French. So, I use \usepackage[francais]{babel}. In this way the bulleted list style is replaced by --. How can I keep original theme in French please?
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In the kaobook class template, I've managed to add a subsubsection; but what do I have to do for showing subsubsections in kaobook side TOC?

%\setcounter{secnumdepth}{\kao@secnumdepth} % Set section numbering %depth \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \counterwithin*{sidenote}{chapter} % Uncomment to reset the sidenote counter at each chapter %\...
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How to insert extra space between chapters in the LoF/LoT in the komabook class without calling \chapter{...}?

I am using the kaobook template for my PhD thesis. It can be found here on Overleaf. Due to design reasons, I do not call \chapter{...}, but simply increment the chapter counter manually. Because I ...
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Error in kaobook style - undefined control sequence [closed]

I get the error message ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \DeclareTOCStyleEntries [indent=0em,numwidth=2em,dynnumwidth=yes]... l.843 } when trying to ...
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How to put two logos on the same line, opposite sides of page, on top of watermark?

I am using the kaobook class, and I am having trouble with getting the title page look as I want it to. I produced for you a minimal working example, which you can easily compile on overleaf. I would ...
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Cannot compile kaobook properly using TexLive 2021

I downloaded kaobook template from, it used to compile properly with Texlive 2019 and 2020. However when I try to compile using TexLive 2021, sidenote, marginfigure ...
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How to compile only one chapter in the kaobook class [duplicate]

I am starting to the use the kaobook class for a book project. I would like to be able to compile each chapter separately, do you know if this is possible? I could not find a quick solution in the ...
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List of Definitions, List of Theorems, List of Examples, and List of Activities with Kaobook

This is somewhat a follow-up to this question about custom Kaobook environments. In that question, I was able to successfully define some new environments for the kaobook class and have them all share ...
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Can I remove the side column in kaobook template?

I am manipulating a document made in kaobook template. I was wondering if it is possible to locally or globally eliminate the side column (the column that allows for comments and stuff). I know that ...
3 votes
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Use of \thedots@ doesn't match its definition. Problem with the French package

I have a fairly complicated document in English, typeset using kaobook. For my abstract I need to add French and adding french to the line \usepackage[main=english, ngerman, french]{babel} results in ...
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Vertical line next to example environment changes indentation of itemize and enumerate lists

I am attempting to use this example environmment in my book. I really like how it creates a vertical line next to examples. I would like to customize the appearance, but that is a separate question. ...
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1 answer

Custom example environment with colorbox and vertical line for `kaobook` document class

I am making a custom example environment for the kaobook class and would like to modify the second example environment from this question: \usepackage{chngcntr} \usepackage[tikz]{mdframed} \...
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Repeating page numbers (in Kaobook + Vertical Line Title Page)

I'm making a document using two templates: Kaobook (for the main style of the book) and Vertical Line Title Page (for the title page). The title page section (which includes the actual title page, the ...
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1 answer

Make `exercises` package compatible with `kaobook`

In this question, I am attempting to use the the exercise package with the kaobook class. Originally, I planned to use the exam class with the kaobook class, until I noticed how it changed the margins ...
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`kaobook` and `exam` class conflict: \marginnotes shift halfway off page

Hoping to combine the best of the exam class with the kaobook class, I took the Overleaf example document for Kaobook and added exam.cls with an \import{exam} command in the preamble. This worked ...
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How to adjust margins in Kaobook?

Wondering how I can set page margins on Kaobook? I have these requirements from the Uni: 4cm binding margin 2cm head margin 2.5cm fore-edge margin 4cm tail margin Page size A4 (I have seen the ...
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KOMA-script scrbook with single, unnumbered chapter

I am using scrbook via kaobook and I would like to make a document that contains a single chapter, unnumbered and unnamed. This probably means I shouldn't be using scrbook to begin with, but I'd like ...
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`Package floatrow Error: Caption(s) lost.` using `kaobook`, related to `center` environment

Here is a MWE: \documentclass{kaobook} \usepackage{mwe} \begin{document} \mainmatter \begin{figure} \begin{center} % culprit \includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth]{example-image} ...
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How to add a text to the numbering in the kaobook class

I want to change the page numbering such that it says something like "F_in_a JAR 2" or add my name on all the pages in a non-intrusive way. I dont have much experience with latex so for ...
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Specific math symbols are not showing in output (parenthesis and plus signs)

I have a peculiar problem that I have failed to solve. I have looked at this and have been unable to fix my problem. Here is an example of my issue: Everything looks fine, right? However, when I ...
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2 answers

Center subcaption in kaobook

How can I put the subcaptions in the kaobook package into the center of the the subfigure. I tried \captionsetup[subfigure]{justification=centering}, but this has no effect on the placement of the ...
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Creating custom abstract environment

I would appreciate any help in creating a custom abstract environment in kaobook document class (it is based on koma-script). Here is what I have done so far \newenvironment{secabstract}[1]{% \hrule \...
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Issue with kaobook class

I have started to adjust the kaobook class with specific requirements for a project of a book. First and foremost, I need to change the babel package replaced by the polyglossia package (the book is ...
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How to output only the ToC as HTML

I'm using kaobook to produce a book that I'm publishing on LeanPub. LeanPub provides the option to upload an HTML-formatted table of contents. Is there any way I can output just the table of contents ...
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Renaming ToC, Lof, etc in a koma-script variance

i'm having a quite complex problem. i'm using kaobook -a class that it is based on koma-script book - for creating a multilingual document (greek and english). i have define the following class ...