I am using the kaobook template for my document in LaTeX, and I would like to add the custom part name to the header. By default, the header only shows the chapter name. How can I modify the kaobook template to include the part name in the header, and how can I update it when using the \addpart command ?

1 Answer 1


The definitions that you need to tweek are in the kaorefs.sty Inside this file there is a list that you can edit with custom part names.


Then you can edit the Headers and Footers section in kao.sty

  • 1
    Please explain better, for example showing some TeX code ...
    – Mensch
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 18:54
  • I think it is better now.
    – mhtsort
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 19:40
  • This doesn't answer the question. The OP wants to change the headers to include the part name - not change the name of parts - and have it keep in sync.
    – cfr
    Commented Apr 28 at 1:08

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