I am using \fillin[] command in the latex exam class to produce the following output:

enter image description here

Convert the following angles from degrees to radians:
            180 \degree 
            &= \fillin[$1$] \pi \\
            &= \fillin[$\frac{1}{2}$] \tau \\
            &\approx \fillin[$3.14159$]


            90 \degree
            &= \fillin[$\frac{1}{2}$] \pi \\
            &= \fillin[$\frac{1}{4}$] \tau \\
            &\approx \fillin[$1.57079$]


            270 \degree
            &= \fillin[$\frac{3}{2}$] \pi \\
            &= \fillin[$\frac{3}{4}$] \tau \\
            &\approx \fillin[$4.71238$]


            360 \degree
            &= \fillin[$2$] \pi \\
            &= \fillin[$1$] \tau \\
            &\approx \fillin[$6.28318$]

The output is actually exactly as I hoped for. However, I am getting several errors from Overleaf:

enter image description here

I suspect it is not proper to put \fillin[] inside of an align environment. I also tried removing the dollar signs, which are typically not allowed inside an align environment, but this did not help and caused the fractions to stop rendering correctly.

Is there a proper way to deal with \fillin[] inside an align environment?

Additionally, this may be better saved for a separate question, but is there a way to make a \fillin[] command that works outside of the exam class, e.g. in the kaobook class?

1 Answer 1


These are by no means errors. The Overleaf editor is instructed to mark cases where there are $ signs inside a known math display environment.

The text you give in brackets is the correct answer and \fillin doesn't “know” whether it's in math mode or not: it uses its argument in text mode anyway.

You can avoid being signalled an “error” by using


or defining an alias for an argument to be used in math mode.



% guesses to make the code to compile


Convert the following angles from degrees to radians:

            180 \degree 
            &= \mathfillin[1] \pi \\
            &= \mathfillin[\frac{1}{2}] \tau \\
            &\approx \mathfillin[3.14159]

            90 \degree
            &= \mathfillin[\frac{1}{2}] \pi \\
            &= \mathfillin[\frac{1}{4}] \tau \\
            &\approx \mathfillin[1.57079]

            270 \degree
            &= \mathfillin[\frac{3}{2}] \pi \\
            &= \mathfillin[\frac{3}{4}] \tau \\
            &\approx \mathfillin[4.71238]

            360 \degree
            &= \mathfillin[2] \pi \\
            &= \mathfillin[1] \tau \\
            &\approx \mathfillin[6.28318]


Please, note that align* is not the right tool for the job: `$\begin{aligned}[t]...\end{aligned}$ is much better.

enter image description here

Without the answers option:

enter image description here

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