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Questions tagged [subcaption]

{subcaption} is a package for typesetting captions of {subfloats}.

3 votes
2 answers

How to move the color blocks into the red frame region marked?

I'd like to use the area below the two first subfigures to place the color blocks, how can I achieve this effect? The mwe is following \documentclass[aspectratio=2013]{beamer} \usepackage{tikz,...
Meiu's user avatar
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How to achieve the layout of figure with vertical and horizonal placement?

I want to achieve the following layout of combined figures. The requirement is below: use the package such subcaption to arrange the figures Align both the top and the bottom line of the Left Big ...
Explorer's user avatar
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Detaching two sub-captions attached to each other

I would like to understand why, after creating two subfigures with appropriate commands (albeit with TikZ), the sub-captions remain pasted to each other. \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \usepackage[T1]{...
Bml's user avatar
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How to vertically align tikz graphs in subfigures

I want to place 4 tikz graphs in 4 seperate subfigures. I'm using subcaption and the \subcaptionbox environment. However, in the resulting figure the second-row graphs overlap the top-row captions. ...
Uri Barenholz's user avatar
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The listings package and side-by-side code listings

I'm using the listings package liberally in an article. However, I want to show some code listings side-by-side and for those i use the subfigure package: \begin{figure*} \begin{subfigure}{0.49\...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
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Caption of \subcaptionbox environment not correctly centered [duplicate]

I am using \subcaptionbox{} to setup a figure containing multiple subfigures. I want to refer to each subfigure in the text, so each subfigure needs a caption. I want to have empty captions, meaning ...
SnackerB's user avatar
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Is it possible to add images in this format using subcaption?

I understand how to add images in a (2 X 2) or a (m X n) grid in latex using subcaption, but is it possible to add images in this manner using subcaption? If not possible, then is there some other ...
Ghosal_C's user avatar
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Subcaption and size of subfigure are offset

I haven been trying to create a figure with two subfigures aligned next to each other. For the life of me I cannot find a solution. The right subfigure is slightly bigger, and its subcaption is ...
nico's user avatar
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figure captions of the two subfigures to be centered, while the main caption should be justified rather than centered

I am encountering an issue when using the subcaption environment in LaTeX. I want the captions of the two subfigures to be centered, while the main caption should be justified (aligned at both ends) ...
Zixiao's user avatar
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automatically label subfigure overlapping top left

I have a set of subfigures that I want to label like (a) but without any real caption, and I want to place the labels (a) on top of the graphic, in the top-left corner to save vertical space. I want ...
jessexknight's user avatar
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The subcaptions are offeset slightly

I am trying to put 8 images in 2 rows and 4 columns, with the caption in-between the rows. For some reason, the captions are offset. How do I solve the problem? \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \...
nico's user avatar
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Subfigure customization

I have the following code to display multiple images: \begin{figure}[H] \centering \begin{subfigure}[h]{0.35\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{real_time1....
Roy Turk's user avatar
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Table page overflow with images

I am creating a table of images for a report using the tabular environment. Unfortunately, the table keeps going over the page boundary and into the "void", and I can't seem to break the ...
John Macauskey's user avatar
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How to remove extra column at the end of the table

I want to have a 4 column table using package \usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable}. The table is based on the codes below. \begin{table} [h] \caption{Main results after endogeneity correction} ...
ycenycute's user avatar
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Tikzpicture with subcaption

I would like to make the following figure: I received the code for a somewhat similar figure here Tikzpicture with subfigures and caption but don't manage to change this to the desired format as ...
Drawer's user avatar
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