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Questions tagged [grouping]

{grouping} is about the grouping mechanism in TeX, and about local and global assignments.

2 votes
1 answer

How to group elements in order to use them like one character

I want to create commands that will show some data and will be used as a single character in different places (paragraphs, tables etc.). Here is an example of how it should be looking: I achieved it ...
Taras's user avatar
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How to ignore ExPex code in texcount

I'm wondering if it is possible to exclude ExPex code from being counted by texcount? At the moment I'm writing a thesis with lots of linguistic examples, but I need to exclude these from the total ...
geordiekidd's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to fully `\restoregeometry` inside a group?

For the geometry package, is it possible to \newgeometry{…} and fully \restoregeometry inside a group? Minimal Example In the following, the \restoregeometry inside the {…} restores frames, but still ...
Y.D.X.'s user avatar
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How to add vertical braces to a matrix showing different groupings of the elements?

So, I am currently trying to do this: And this is what I tried so far, \[ \left[ \begin{array}{c} \left.\begin{matrix} x_k \\ y_k \\ v_k \\ \psi_k \\ \end{matrix}\right\} s_k^p \\ \...
featherweight's user avatar
2 votes
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Locally redefine figure environment as figure* for automated export

I'm using a workflow based on pandoc and Latex to produce papers with my companies layout. Part of the formatting are captions set inside the margin and sometimes using images that span text and ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to avoid resetting macro definitions within a group/environment

Here's the question: why does the following code reset the meaning of the \pgPtList control sequence when the group ends? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begingroup \gdef\...
Kellen Brosnahan's user avatar
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Saving a math style in beamer

I am trying to build a version of beamer's alt that occupies the space of its larger argument. I do this with some saveboxes and measuring. Because I also want to use it in math, I need to save the ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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2 answers

"\uppercase{a\lowercase{bC}}" produces "Abc" in TeX?

In TeX, \uppercase{a\lowercase{bC}} produces Abc not ABC, why? As far as I know, TeX will run the inner group before run the outer group, so I think it should be ABC and even \uppercase{a\expandafter{\...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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Need add a space before character in changing category of character?

At the bottom of page 307 of The TeXbook, it says TEX always reads the token following a constant before evaluating that constant. So, {\catcode‘\>=2 > is different from {\catcode\`>=2> ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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If one of TEX’s internal parameters is changed within a group, the previous contents of that parameter will be restored when the group ends in TeX?

I see this sentence on page 21 of the book The TeXbook, but I can't understand it. May you show me an example and explain it to me? If one of TEX’s internal parameters is changed within a group, the ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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2 answers

Without "\global", we can still change "\count0"?

As on page 21 of the book The TeXbook, if we need to change the page number to add 1, we need to use \global\advance\count0 by 1, as \advance\count0 by 1 couldn't change \count0 in other groups. ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Ignore Text between \bgroup and \egroup from printing in PDF during runtime [closed]

I would like to exclude the text between \bgroup and \egroup from appearing in the final PDF, i.e. mark it as a comment during runtime. However, the problem here is that the text is not static and \...
FixFox's user avatar
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`\endgroup` error with {dinbrief} and XeLaTeX [duplicate]

First, let's consider this minimal working example: \documentclass{dinbrief} \begin{document} \begin{letter} test \end{letter} \end{document} This document compiles sortof fine with PDFlatex and ...
polemon's user avatar
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Why does loading `newenviron` cause compilation to fail?

To avoid unnecessary effort, please note that I'm asking specifically about the error's cause, as opposed to how to avoid it. Furthermore, I'm aware that \NewDocumentEnvironment now offers the b ...
cfr's user avatar
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How to set background image on every page using group elements

I need to put a background image on full page and I have several group elements, sometimes two groups on one page I only get one Image on half of the page and on the next page the group elements start ...
C. At's user avatar
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1 answer

Locally adjust a dimension written into aux

I am writing some code that makes use of a dimension (termed \shape below) that gets adjusted several times over the course of the code. The value \shape has by the time the code is finished is what ...
Noah J's user avatar
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Put \item into a group so that typesetting effects are limited for the list entry

I want to have an implicit grouping for each \item in an itemize or enumerate environment to limit typesetting effects (coloring, emphasizing) to the respective \item. E.g., \begin{itemize} \item\...
Benno's user avatar
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Issue with Hyperlinks in PDF using Hyperref Package

I am currently facing an issue with the placement of hyperlinks in a PDF document that I am typesetting using LaTeX and the hyperref package. I have tried various approaches, but I haven't been able ...
oierpa's user avatar
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Exercise 5.7 in TeX - define control sequences with grouping

I want to solve Exercise 5.7 in the TeXBook by Donald E. Knuth. Define control sequences **\beginthe**<block name> and **\endthe**<block name> that provide a “named” block structure. In ...
GarretW's user avatar
0 votes
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Variables set within tables and reused later in the document

I am writing a document that involves a table of information for many sections, something like: \textbf{Details:} \begin{table}[H] \begin{center} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|X|c|c|c|c|c|} ...
BugInACode's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Latex3: elegant way to forward a variable outside of the group

I want to define a macro in a group in LaTeX3 so that it stays defined after the group, but without using global variables. For now I do: \documentclass{article} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentEnvironment{...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Pgf foreach ungrouped displays list twice

While trying to give a foreach loop a macro to loop into, I found on Macro not working in foreach loop that I can use \pgfplotsforeachungrouped and it was indeed able to loop through my macro. However,...
Balansoire's user avatar
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Grouping mismatch if loop is dissolved

I am sure that I overlooked something very obvious. Still, why does the example in this nice answer work, but if I remove the loop, I get an error about a grouping mismatch? Consider the following ...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar
3 votes
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Table decleration

In my document, I have a table, I want to use \setlength{\tabcolsep}{18pt} but since there is one more table, this also affects the other, which I don't want to change. Therefore I thought of creating ...
4DescarTes's user avatar
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Add content in a global table located in the beginning of the document

I would like to generate a global table with entries that can be added with a command. I based myself on this post. The issue I have is that I can only display the table after I added all its entries. ...
Pa Dalton's user avatar
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Grouping problem in figure vertical alignment of text

I had the same problem as in LINK. The question is about using \endgroup somewhere. If I use the following code \usepackage[a4paper,hmargin=1in,top=1.2in,bottom=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{lipsum} \...
UnknownW's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is this the right way to understand \let \def \edef \gdef \xdef \newcommand \renewcommand \providecommand?

I've already looked at at least ten different q&as explaining the differences of a subset of the commands listed above. While experimenting with them and trying to understand the subtle ...
mbly82553's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

`\global\NewCommandCopy` instead of `\GlobalLetLtxMacro`?

The new LATEX2ε kernel provides \NewCommandCopy (and \Renew... and \Declare... variants) which functions almost like \LetLtxMacro from the letltxmacro package. Instead of \GlobalLetLtxMacro from ...
Stephen's user avatar
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How to make calling of xeCJK work in a group

From the following example, you can see that calling a package in a group does work (xcolor in this example), except the package xeCJK. Does that mean this is a bug of xeCJK, or is there other way to ...
lyl's user avatar
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1 answer

How to define a macro globally with a name containing a number?

I'm trying to define multiple macros in a \foreach loop. The name of each macro contains a different integer. To do that I use \csname ... \endcsname. The issue is I would like to be able to call ...
FunkiePhil's user avatar

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