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To remove the section title at the end of the article

The problem is shown in the picture. I want to remove the title section 1.1 above the next section. I don't know the reason in this book class template as I am new to TeX. Below is the code in the ...
Hexarhy's user avatar
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ubuntu terminal emulator: how to remove horizontal translucent lines

I was using this from Alan Xiang's Blog to emulate an ubuntu terminal in latex. However, with multiple lines, some translucent horizontal lines appear, that make it less attractive to look at. I would ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Remove "(chairman)" when using sapthesis

I'm using the sapthesis package. It allows for indicating multiple examiners via the command \examiner (e.g. \examiner{Jon Doe}). If at least one examiner is indicated, after the first one it appends ...
Luke's user avatar
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Ignore Text between \bgroup and \egroup from printing in PDF during runtime [closed]

I would like to exclude the text between \bgroup and \egroup from appearing in the final PDF, i.e. mark it as a comment during runtime. However, the problem here is that the text is not static and \...
FixFox's user avatar
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Remove word chapter if there are no figure

I want remove word chapter from LOF if there are no figure and each chapter with color ,the same for tables . \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{etoolbox} \renewcommand*{\...
Ouss's user avatar
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How to get rid of the right header

Maybe it is easy to do but I've been trying to remove the right header that shows in my document. I think it could be done by using the titlesec package but I have no idea. Edit Here is the preamble ...
Yauset Cabrera's user avatar
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How to get a tilde over i without the dot

I am using the package tipa, with the {\~i} command but I have also tried the mathmode command \tilde{i} as well. Both commands produce the following: I would like to have a tilde that takes the ...
Grey's user avatar
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How to remove colon in resumeItemListStart

I want to know how can I remove colon that appears after the "Discussion Forum Upgrades" in the code below: \resumeItemListStart \resumeItem{Discussion Forum Upgrades} {...
Aep's user avatar
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newgeometry + restoregeometry creates empty pages before and after the page of interest

I have a long table on one page, for which I tried to use newgeometry before \begin{table} and restoregeometry after \end{table}. This creates an empty page before the page of interest, and another ...
John Kim's user avatar
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Only compile first page to pdf

I have a ebook that I also have a paperback cover for. This cover contains the current version which I set in an external file. I have now a revision section which I need to populate the current issue ...
Jimmy Westberg's user avatar
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How to Remove Redundant Chapter Labels from Both the Chapter Endnotes and TOC

The following code produces chapter endnotes at the end the end of each chapter and rename "Notes" as "Chapter I. Endnotes" and "Chapter II Endnotes," respectively: \...
DDS's user avatar
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I want to remove the title in the top-left corner

My document uses the following: \documentclass[sigconf, nonacm]{acmart} whereas acmart.cls is found in the following link:
Ananta's user avatar
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Remove from latex a foot note

I use the acm template sample-authordraft.tex file. I see in the pdf at the end of the first column of the first page something with grey color text which start with this: "Permission to make ...
foc's user avatar
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My document's page begins with 2 after removing the blank page

My document was having a blank page at the beginning. I removed it using: \usepackage{atbegshi}% \AtBeginDocument{\AtBeginShipoutNext{\AtBeginShipoutDiscard}} This code ...
user13268718's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove latex command with sed

I need to remove index entries from a section in a latex file, e.g.: \index[lugares]{London} or \index[lugares]{London|see{Londinium}} I have tried this: sed 's/\index[^)]*}//g' apendice.txt > ...
Sintram's user avatar
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