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Add further grouping to nomenclature using {nomencl} + {etoolbox}

To add a nomenclature to my master thesis I follow overleaf's recommendation and use below code. Grouping is quite important for me. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to create subgroups by using ...
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Dynamic datatool group by

I found this code in datatool group by? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents*}{ff14.txt} ClassID; Schueler_Name; Schueler_Vorname; Subject 5a; Stiner; Markus; Big ...
Kevin Suppan's user avatar
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TeX Nested Loops With \iftoggle

This forum has helped me understand how to use nested loops in TeX, but now I am having trouble using \iftoggle (from the etoolbox package) with loops. My goal is to have a toggle that can keep track ...
user839768's user avatar
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Should LaTeX counters always be modified globally?

In this answer, egreg states that "LaTeX counters should always be modified globally". However, the etoolbox package provides the \defcounter macro which will assign a value to a previously ...
lockstep's user avatar
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Booleans fail in tabular environment

I've got a workaround for this problem, but maybe someone knows a cleaner way to fix it. I'm using the standard packages in TexLive 2009. Here's the code that doesn't work: \documentclass{article} \...
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