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Why does loading `newenviron` cause compilation to fail?

To avoid unnecessary effort, please note that I'm asking specifically about the error's cause, as opposed to how to avoid it. Furthermore, I'm aware that \NewDocumentEnvironment now offers the b ...
cfr's user avatar
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Is this the right way to understand \let \def \edef \gdef \xdef \newcommand \renewcommand \providecommand?

I've already looked at at least ten different q&as explaining the differences of a subset of the commands listed above. While experimenting with them and trying to understand the subtle ...
mbly82553's user avatar
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Construct new environment with \bgroup...\egroup

The following code is just for experiment It would result in a framed box(seem like \fbox{\parbox{2in}{...}}). But it fails. What's wrong with my code? Yet framed box in this example is not my root ...
lyl's user avatar
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Creating matrix newenvironment with arraystretch [duplicate]

I want to create a new matrix environment with different spacing for a matrix instead of manually typing arraystretch locally for each matrix. I am new to more advanced LaTeX coding, and have not ...
CyCeez's user avatar
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LaTex macro not properly executed in tabular environment

I want to use a macro to set the separators (&,\\) in a tabular environment. The macro should thereby act as a Boolean switch with three states. Unfortunately I keep getting a result like this: ...
Gedlex's user avatar
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3 answers

How to define an environment that defines a macro, maybe a brace-parenthesis issue?

I know how to define a macro as follows \newcommand{\mycommand}{ here my macro commands } But I would like to create an environment that defines macro, as follows \begin{definemycommand}{\...
user126154's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Locally redefine cleveref’s reference name for chapters

Consider the following MWE: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{appendix} \usepackage{cleveref} \usepackage{etoolbox} \BeforeBeginEnvironment{appendices}{% \crefname{chapter}{appendix}{...
Peter's user avatar
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3 answers

How to perform a \global\renewenvironment

I need to execute a \renewenvironment within a group. Using \global\renewenvironment is not sufficient. What changes do I need to make to the \DisableMyEnvironment macro in the MWE below so as to ...
Peter Grill's user avatar
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Environment that treats words or groups as command arguments

How can I define an environment that would treat each word or group as an argument of a function? I am writing a handbook that contains calculator entries, which I would like to typeset as buttons. ...
Václav Pavlík's user avatar
2 votes
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Environment that conditionally shows it's contents is not working. Missing \endgroup

I tried to make an environment that shows its contents if @showtrue and doesn't otherwise. When I try to run the MWE below, I get an error message: ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \...
gebruiker's user avatar
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Open group in environment beginning and close it at its end

I'm trying to call a program from within LaTeX via the \input command. The call itself works just fine however I want to pack everything inside an environment in order to make the call more readable. ...
Raven's user avatar
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Should additional groups be avoided?

Should additional groups like \begin{algorithm} ... \end{algorithm} be generally avoided and the use of \algorithm...\endalgorithm be preferred? By additional is meant, that there is at least one ...
user1's user avatar
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5 votes
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Equivalent for \bgroup \egroup in LaTeX3

I am trying to apply a expl3 function to the contents of an environment. In LaTeX2e this can be achieved by using \bgroup and \egroup. In expl3, something does not work. I would expect the following ...
Jaeya's user avatar
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Environment as local namespaces

I wish for something quite simple to describe but maybe impossible to have. I would like to give multiple definitions to a macro (\U in my case) such that depending on the environment it can have ...
afiori's user avatar
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Why do I get an "extra }" error when using a default argument in a theorem name? [duplicate]

Consider the following latex code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsthm} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \newcommand{\Zn}[1][n]{\mathbb{Z}_{#1}} \begin{document} $\Zn[p]$ \...
Bakuriu's user avatar
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