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A family of Unix-like operating systems using the Linux kernel. If your question is about a certain distribution only, use a more specific tag.

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How to only SCP the timestamp of files without copying the content of files?

When I need download some large files from other countries, I often download them onto a VPS in USA, and then download them from there to my home, since it is too slow to download directly from my co …
Leon's user avatar
  • 239
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How to let the entries in fstab to be mounted after VPN become up?

Env: Kubuntu-20.04.4, nfs-common-1.3.4(apt upgraded). I have three NFS mounting entries in /etc/fstab that depends on a VPN connection. Only once the VPN come up, these entries can be mounted successf …
Leon's user avatar
  • 239
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1 answer

The most proper place to set systemwide shell alias in a Linux system

There are many places to set an alias for all users within a Linux system, e.g. /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d/*, /etc/bash.bashrc... … I'm wondering which one is the most proper/correct, in other words, which one is the best in accordance to the conventions of Linux nowadays. …
Leon's user avatar
  • 239
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1 answer

Does multiple snapshots influence the performance?

My desktop system(Kubuntu-20.04.4, with LVM2 root-fs) need to be frequently adjusted the configurations, but some configuration would be fault. I take a new LVM2 snapshot of root fs, before every time …
Leon's user avatar
  • 239