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Questions tagged [bash-alias]

An alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence. This can save a great deal of typing in the command-line and avoid having to remember complex combinations of commands and options. Use this tag for questions about using aliases with the bash shell.

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merge numbered files from different directories into same directory in correct order

I have some directories named FOO and BAR and etc. that have files in form FOO/ 1.png ... 18.png BAR/ 1.jpg ... 12.jpg ... and I would like them to be all copied into the DESTINATION directory ...
user3446323672's user avatar
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The most proper place to set systemwide shell alias in a Linux system

There are many places to set an alias for all users within a Linux system, e.g. /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d/*, /etc/bash.bashrc... I'm wondering which one is the most proper/correct, in other words, ...
Leon's user avatar
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Configure zsh syntax highlighting for bash-my-aws

I have been using zsh syntax highlighter from this repo and it has been very great so far. Now, I discovered a repo called bash-my-aws which aliases my awscli commands to a more usable and compact ...
Rynn_'s user avatar
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Expand variable to alias and execute

I have an alias set in my .bash_aliases file to execute neovim. I can successfully use this alias from the command line however I cannot use this alias via a variable (ie the EDITOR variable - set in ....
ljden's user avatar
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How do I make a Subshell a part of an alias?

I'm not sure what is the correct way to describe my problem, so here's an example: alias ashell='adb shell su $(stat -c %u /data/data/com.termux) -s /data/data/com.termux/files/home/bin/termuxshell' ...
Dr. Coomer's user avatar
-1 votes
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making it so alias's work in shell scripts?

So I don't have python available as a command on my system but I do have python3. So I did alias python=python3 and I was able to then do python insead of just python3 I then created ...
neubert's user avatar
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How can I make a bash script alias that accepts inputs?

I currently have a bash script that starts up a python file like so #!/bin/bash echo "Starting in Production folder" cd Production python is actually supposed to ...
frend123123's user avatar
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How to have bash aliases usable from any directory?

As title sais I want to be able to use bash aliases from inside directories other than home. If file structure looks something like /home/Documents, do I have to create another .bash_aliases folder ...
frend123123's user avatar
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Git Bash : neither .bash_aliases nor .gitconfig read automatically

I'm setting up a new computer, and, among other things, Git with Git Bash. I copied my .bash_aliases and .gitconfig from a previous computer, but I can't get Git Bash to source them automatically. ...
Charles's user avatar
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Aliases for going to directory of a file and executing command in that directory

I am trying to write two command aliases one to take a file not directory path and cd into its directory. My attempt below is. alias godir='cd $(dirname $1)' however this leads to bash cd: {file path}...
MANICX100's user avatar
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Bash recognizes function argument as a program

I'm pretty new to the syntax of bash and I have a piece of code in my '.bash_aliases' file. It either gets an integer as an argument or the letter 'c', when it gets an integer, it puts that integer in ...
Casper2416's user avatar
8 votes
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How to use alias inside another alias in ZSH?

Let's say I have the following alias definition in my ZSH config file: alias myalias="cd /" how can I use myalias inside another alias? ie: alias myaliasone="myalias && cd /usr&...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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Can no longer open terminal after editing my bash_aliases

I edited my bash_aliases to have a new alias (stars block out my email for privacy sake): alias t_cluster="u*******" I then mistakenly added this to my bash_aliases (...
Taliamycota's user avatar
1 vote
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Why fish shell does not allow function named `-`

I am trying to use fish as my default interactive shell. I was previously using bash and there was support for alias named - (ASCII hyphen, 0x2d). Why does not fish allow creation of alias or function ...
jiwopene's user avatar
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How to escape slashes in bash alias name?

I want to make an alias like this: alias /sbin/init="/path/to/my/script/sh" However, when I try to source my .bashrc, it throws an error: -bash: alias: `/sbin/init': invalid alias name How ...
Andy Mac's user avatar

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