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0 answers

ssh using private key still force me to insert password

I am trying to create a ceph cluster using the ceph-ansible and encountered something I don't understand: When I put the output of vagrant ssh-config in my ~/.ssh/config, I am able to connect to my ...
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0 answers

SSH Connection timed-out connecting to a VM via port-forwarding on Windows11

I am on an issue since a while, getting urgent, and not super confident in the Windows sphere. I have a desktop at work that functions as my test desktop. To try software, etc, I installed Hyper-V and ...
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1 answer

How to SSH into a VirtualBox VM from outside?

VirtualBox version: 6.0.6 Host OS: Windows 10 Guest OS: Ubuntu 18.04 How can I VM so that I can SSH into VM from another server outside LAN? I have tried using NAT adapter and port forwarding, ...
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2 answers

Remotely execute command via vagrant ssh

Using vagrant ssh I'm able to ssh into VM(ubuntu). But once I ssh into VM, I want to go to a directory on VM's Desktop and execute a command. In short, I want to achieve the following: a) ssh into VM ...
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2 answers

Mosh client unable to communicate to mosh server in a guest virtual machine

I'm having trouble trying to connect to mosh-server that is installed in a Arch Linux guest Virtual Machine (set up with the stack: KVM, libvirt and QEMU). I have a port forward configured with: virsh ...
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0 answers

Iptables redirect outside requests to (VirtualBox)

I have a virtual machine installed with the output: ifconfig: enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::...
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0 answers

Taskhost Process has high CPU when using VirtualBox

I am running a Ubuntu VirtualBox-VM on my Windows 10 host machine. After the VM is running for some time (not at the beginning), the process taskhostw.exe uses much of the CPU. I normaly use ssh to ...
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0 answers

What's the password needed to ssh to Windows

I have 2 VMs, one is a Kali VM and the other is a Windows 10 VM that I've initialised with a generic key (
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0 answers

Can't SSH into Windows VM despite setting up OpenSSH

A couple of days ago, I set up a Windows 11 VM using VMware Fusion on my Macbook Air, and despite the janky and, at times, incredibly frustrating installation process (finding ISO files that will run ...
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0 answers

QEMU in Linux container connected to over SSH

I have been trying to use QEMU to get a VM (CentOS) running hosted in a container that I use a Putty SSH session to connect to. It seems I have issues with the serial input. I am using this command ...
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0 answers

Permission denied (publickey, password) when running mpiexec using ssh

I am implementing a simple mpi code. I am using Oracle Virtual box and have created two Ubuntu vm's one named master and the other named slave. Both are connected and can successfully ping each other ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Login to VM recreated locally from Azure VHD not working

how can I login to virtual machine recreated locally from VHD downloaded from Azure? My SSH credentials are not working. Thanks for your help. Carlo
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1 answer

Setup Linux VM on router

I'm picking up a project that is somewhat out of my depth and expertise so I'll try to lay it out simply. We had a system of sensors that were connected by ethernet to a router, this router had been ...
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1 answer

How to make a no-gui virtual machine on a server?

I've got this Ubuntu server I'm running, and it's really handy to take the load off of my laptop, but I'd like to know how to set up a virtual machine on it that I can ssh into. Obviously, this ...
1 vote
1 answer

VirtualBox Show button does not show running virtual machines

I'm running VirtualBox 6.1.12, and after running the VMs there, if by any chance the Virtual machine closes, I cannot reopen it by clicking the SHOW button. However, in the preview, I can see that the ...
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0 answers

How do I allow users to connect to private IP through static public IP address?

Before ignoring, please just read through. None of the previously asked questions helped. I have 3 VMs set up in a local data center that are running the following OS: VM1: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ...
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1 answer

I could SSH externally into VM, but suddenly stopped working, but worked again temporarily on router reboot. Why does this happen?

Please be gentle; I'm completely new to network management. Background: I am running an Ubuntu Desktop 20.x VM on a Synology DS916. Some pertinent details are as follows: The VM has a static private ...
2 votes
0 answers

Use OpenSSH on Windows Server and connect as "NT Authority\SYSTEM"

Note on security: What I'm about to ask happens in an isolated environment, cut off from the Internet and the immediate LAN. I'd like to SSH into a Windows Server and end up executing commands as the ...
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1 answer

vagrant up and vagrant halt does not work fine. it shows the command failed using the windows 11 OS and vagrant 2.3.0 and virtual box 6.1.36

I have created my own box file and tried running but i am getting the below error. please help on this. vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Importing ...
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to do SFTP after enabling IAP for vms in GCP

I have enabled IAP to ssh the vm , but the problem is after enabling it I am not able to do sftp , previously I was able to sftp using the vpn. IAP configuration page I can do ssh with gcp console ...
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0 answers

I am not able to connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine (virtual box)

I cannot connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine which I created using virtual box. I've installed the virtual machine and configured it on my oracle linux server using ssh ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to SSH to a to a VirtualBox VM on a Windows host with NAT from another PC on the same LAN?

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 VM (VirtualBox) on a Windows 11 host. The network is attached by NAT. I have port forwarding in VirtualBox as follows: Name | Protocol | Host IP | Host Port | Guest IP | ...
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1 answer

How to SSH to a Host from a VM (Virtualbox)

It is well known how to ssh into a Virtual Machine from a Linux Host machine (at least with Virtual Box). We have to set a port forward rule into the vm's network settings. After that we can simply ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can't connect to a remote host with virt-manager

I'm trying to connect from a laptop (computer1) to a host (remote1). On computer1 I have user1 on the host I have a different user (user2). Both systems are running Debian, the remote1 system is a ...
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1 answer

Cannot send file from local machine to the server using SCP despite being able to login via SSH

I am trying to send file from my local machine (Ubuntu) to Oracle VM (Oracle Linux). Command I tried is below, but it doesn’t work. I can connect to the server fine using SSH. scp -r -i /...
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2 answers

Unable to ssh into ec2 instance with .pem keypair

I created a new temporary ec2 instance (using a snapshot of my original ec2 instance) ang generated a mykeypair.pem file to use as a keypair that I hoped would allow me to connect to my virtual ...
1 vote
1 answer

SSH passthrough?

I borrow the word "passthrough" from GPU passthrough in virtual machine because the concepts sound similar to me, at least from usage point of view. Here I have a QEMU MV, both host and ...
26 votes
6 answers

How can I connect via SSH (Putty) to my VMWare machine (Ubuntu)?

I'm trying to connect to my VMWare (Workstation 7.1.3) machine (Ubuntu Lucid) via SSH. I've read through some other posts, but I can't figure this out. I ran ifconfig, and got a inet addr: and Bcast ...
9 votes
3 answers

How to configure static IP address for a Hyper-V VM (Ubuntu 19.10 Quick Create) to avoid updating ssh config after each reboot?

I'm using VS-Code remote development plugin to edit code on a hyper-v VM (which is a Ubuntu 19.10 - quick create) which is running on Windows 10 on my Laptop. The VM uses hyper-v's default switch for ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can't ssh into arch linux live environment in qemu

I started arch linux in a qemu vm with guest port 22 connected to host port 60022, set the root password in the guest, and edited the sshd config in the guest to allow root logins and set the log ...
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1 answer

ubuntu server image blue screened

Would anyone have a tip for running a virtual box ubuntu server image? Setting up the virtual box image seemed to go just fine, updated ok, and I did a few reboots. What I wanted to get to work was ...
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2 answers

Accessing VirtualBox localhost from host machine

I am connecting to a server via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 <hostname> on my Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox. In the VM, I can access the server via "localhost:8000" but cannot ...
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2 answers

Access Linux VM from Windows via SSH

I am running out of ideas on what exactly I need to do to get into the unix vm hosted in Azure. How to access Linux VM from Windows 7 using Putty or similar SSH client. Information I have been ...
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1 answer

Azure VM and ssh connection: test succeeded but PuTTY timed out

I created a resource group and a virtual machine on Azure. After that, I opened the 22 port on my VM to allow the ssh connection. The connection test on the browser succeeds but when I try to connect ...
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1 answer

The password is different than what the system expect

This is a bit strange. I have two computer. One where the OS is Ubuntu and the other where it is a Windows 10 VM. From the first computer, I SSH my VM and I got this jeremie@jeremie-ThinkStation-D30:~...
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1 answer

SSH a Windows 10 VM from Ubuntu OS

I have two computers. The OS of the first one is Ubuntu and I am using a Windows VM (VirtualBox) on the second computer. I use a Bridge Adapter with the VM. Right now I am able to ping the VM, but if ...
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1 answer

Not able to curl to my VM when ssh is working

I'm trying to run a simple flask server on an Ubuntu VM. I can ssh into it,with [email protected], but if I execute curl 123.456.789:8000 I get an operation timeout, even though the server is ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to set default shell to WSL bash for SSHing from Windows 10 machine to another Windows 10 machine (VM)?

I am SSHing into a VM on the Windows command line and the WSL bash. However, each time I SSH into the Windows 10 VM (from my own Windows 10 local machine), it opens up the default Windows command ...
1 vote
3 answers

VirtualBox - Internal Network - ssh connection refused

I try to get an ssh-connection between two virtual machines. Therefore I have installed two vm's with Ubuntu-Gnome-16.04 guests on a Ubuntu-Gnome-14.04 host using Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.36. I setup ...
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1 answer

SSH to CentOS VirtualBox from PuTtY on an External Windows System

I have created a VM on my personal machine and the VM is running CentOS and I can ssh to that machine from my local Windows 10 machine via PuTty. However, I am not sure of how to ssh to the VM from a ...
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2 answers

Access denied when trying to SSH into VM as root

Starting today, when I try to connect to my CentOS VM as root, using Putty, or indeed any SSH client, I can no longer login. The connection is made, but the login itself fails. I know for a fact that ...
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0 answers

Catalina and VM Ware SSH broken Pipe

I upgraded to Catalina yesterday and now all of my SSH connections to VM Fusion (cent os) images get a broken pipe after about 5 seconds. I've tried setting Host *\ServerAliveInterval 120 within ...
2 votes
2 answers

Accidentally corrupted my ssh_config file on VM and can't log in anymore, can I fix this without logging in?

I am running a VM on my linux server, and I connect to it usually using SSH. I was editing the SSH configurations for this VM to try out different parameters, and last saved edit was not working. Now,...
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0 answers

ssh server on VM does not accept connection from outside host

I have a setup like below: qemu as hypervisor. ubuntu running as a virtual machine with two network adapters: eth0: connected to a user network. ssh port is forwarded to a port from host OS. eth1: ...
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1 answer

Install RancherOS on VirtualBox: How to share public key to VM

For testing purpose, I want to install RancherOS on a VirtualBox VM. To install it, a cloud-config.yml file with public key is required to manage the system using SSH. What's the easiest/reliable ...
4 votes
3 answers

Should I be using vagrant destroy/up/reload/provision or something of the sort every time I want to change one of my source files?

I have recently started developing a little with vagrant and django in a vm. To get my machine up I use vagrant up, and to destroy it I use vagrant down. Both of these commands are time-consuming as ...
3 votes
3 answers

If I'm in an ssh session to a VirtualBox guest, can I know if I'm inside a VM?

Say I opened an ssh session to an IP address. Can I tell, from within the ssh session, if that ssh session is running on a VirtualBox guest VM, or on a non-VM machine? Notes: OS Host/Guest: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot PuTTY into Hyper-V VM (Ubuntu 18 server)

An Ubuntu 18.04 server virtual machine in Hyper-V refuses connections via PuTTY. The guest is running & can be pinged from the host (Windows 10, 1903). The server is freshly built from an iso. ...
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0 answers

How do I access the guest virtual machines through an esxi server?

I have installed Guest VM with default template which has some static IP address and which is not reachable from outside i.e private Network. My ultimate aim to change the IP address. How do I change ...
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0 answers

Virtual machine host-only network with SSH port forwarding

I've got a Windows XP virtual machine (vmware workstation) which I need protected from the internet. I need it for programming some old hardware, which uses some old software that only runs on Windows ...

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