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Taskhost Process has high CPU when using VirtualBox

I am running a Ubuntu VirtualBox-VM on my Windows 10 host machine. After the VM is running for some time (not at the beginning), the process taskhostw.exe uses much of the CPU. I normaly use ssh to ...
Twistios_Player's user avatar
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Use OpenSSH on Windows Server and connect as "NT Authority\SYSTEM"

Note on security: What I'm about to ask happens in an isolated environment, cut off from the Internet and the immediate LAN. I'd like to SSH into a Windows Server and end up executing commands as the ...
Eduard Dumitru's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set default shell to WSL bash for SSHing from Windows 10 machine to another Windows 10 machine (VM)?

I am SSHing into a VM on the Windows command line and the WSL bash. However, each time I SSH into the Windows 10 VM (from my own Windows 10 local machine), it opens up the default Windows command ...
user12055579's user avatar
-1 votes
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GitLab ssh User Access Rights

I'm running a version of GitLab that I installed last fall. Unfortunately I am unable to ascertain a version number. It is hosted on Ubuntu 1404 in a VM on a Win10 host. UPDATE: Looks to be rev 9.4....
rlduffy's user avatar
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How to run a VirtualBox VM on Windows through SSH

I have an Ubuntu server virtual machine on my Windows box, I am able to run VirtualBox on my Windows machine without problems, and then I can SSH into the newly created server. However what I am ...
lanky's user avatar
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Can I use SSH port forwarding to connect via RDC to a Windows VM setup to use NAT?

I have the following, totally bizarre, please don't ask, setup: AirPort router iBook running Virtual PC connected to AirPort MacBook running RDC connected to AirPort A Windows XP VM running on ...
kch's user avatar
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