I am implementing a simple mpi code. I am using Oracle Virtual box and have created two Ubuntu vm's one named master and the other named slave.
Both are connected and can successfully ping each other
I have followed following step I will describe them one by one.
I created a folder in the master sudo mkdir /mirror
This folder is mounted in the slave using nfs-server(master) and nfs-client(slave)
So whatever file I make in master shows up in the slave aswell.

Then I make user 'mpi' in both master and slave using sudo adduser --home /mirror --uid 1100 mpi command
I log into the mpi user from master and and generate public and private keys using the following command
ssh-keygen -t rsa which creates .ssh directory in /mirror/.ssh

now because both master and slave share /mirror I go inside /mirror/.ssh via loged in from master in mpi
cat id_rsa.pub>>authorized_keys pasting the public key which shows up in slave aswell.
Then I run ssh slave (I can do that becuase I have edited /etc/hosts). This is successful and I get text based interface to slave's shell.

Then in master I run a simple mpi code and I get the following error enter image description here

Some other information that I think I should tell
/etc/hostname for master is set to master and for slave is set to slave

the id_rsa.pub file ends with mpi@appleconda-VirtualBox

the sshd_config file properties are
PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
If you need to know anything else I will tell. I have been stuck on this error for a very long time now. Grateful for help.

  • Run ssh -v -v -v mpi@slave to see what the problem is at the ssh level.
    – Nic3500
    Commented Feb 22, 2023 at 20:08
  • Solved the problem was the permission of the /mirror folder which was set to 777 as a security precaution ssh wouldn't allow. Changjng the permissions to 700 solved the problem. Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 5:52


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