I am trying to send file from my local machine (Ubuntu) to Oracle VM (Oracle Linux).

Command I tried is below, but it doesn’t work.

I can connect to the server fine using SSH.

scp -r -i /full_path_to_the_private_key/priv-key.key root@my_ip:/tmp/file.zip opc@server_ip:/tmp
root@my_ip's password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
root@my_ip's password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
root@my_ip's password: 
root@my_ip: Permission denied (publickey,password).

1 Answer 1



To refer to the "file from your local machine", use /tmp/file.zip instead of root@my_ip:/tmp/file.zip.


I am trying to send file from my local machine (Ubuntu) to Oracle VM (Oracle Linux).


scp […] root@my_ip:/tmp/file.zip opc@server_ip:/tmp

To handle an address like root@my_ip:… scp runs ssh to run scp (see "what happens under the hood" in this answer; but note it does not analyze the case of two remote addresses).

I understand my_ip refers to your local machine, yet root@my_ip:… is formally not a local path. Your scp tries to ssh to root@my_ip and run scp there; this is the connection that fails. If it succeeded, the other scp would read /tmp/file.zip.


scp is perfectly capable of reading a local file without sshing from local to local; just give it a local path:

scp -i /full_path_to_the_private_key/priv-key.key /tmp/file.zip opc@server_ip:/tmp

Here /tmp/file.zip is the local path. (Note you don't need -r when transferring a regular file I assume file.zip is.)

The above is similar to the command scp in your try would run after logging in via SSH to root@my_ip, if you managed to log in. Our solution is to run the command directly. The difference is our scp runs as the user you currently are, while your try requests scp running as root. I don't know if your current user is root; it may not be and the difference may or may not matter. Keep reading.

About root

Specifying root@my_ip:/tmp/file.zip only makes sense as a (cumbersome) way of accessing /tmp/file.zip as root, in case you cannot access the file as the user you currently are. There are better ways to access the file as root.

A straightforward way is with sudo:

sudo scp … /tmp/file.zip opc@server_ip:/tmp

however it will run the entire scp as root. This is more than accessing a file as root, because now everything scp does will (or at least can) be done as root. Considering the fact the scp command you tried (if everything worked) would run another scp after logging in to (formally remote) root@my_ip and it would do this as root, running (some) scp as root is what you tried anyway. In other words sudo scp … is (almost) equivalent to what would happen if you were able to connect to root@my_ip.

Still, using sudo (or another way) to access the file as root is required only if you cannot access the file as your regular user. If you (as your current user) can simply access the file then you should directly invoke scp and tell it to read the file by its local path /tmp/file.zip; this is exactly the solution given in the previous section of this answer.

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