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Questions tagged [raspbian]

Raspian is an Operating System based on Debian optimized for Raspberry Pi hardware.

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Problems connecting to Samba public share from Windows 10

I have a Windows 10 machine (latest update as of 2016-10-10) which absolutely refuses to access a public Samba share on a Linux (Raspbian - Debian derivate) server, without pre-entering credentials in ...
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1 answer

dhcpcd.conf for both static and dynamic ip address

Long story short: I need to configure two interfaces for one physical interface, one with a static and one with a dynamic ip address. I know how to do it in /etc/network/interfaces but my box uses ...
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0 answers

Linux: How to find the location of a specific "include" library in Python? [migrated]

Note: I have already searched extensively and found nothing that even vaguely resembles an answer, including here. If this is a stupid question or a duplicate, please accept my apologies. Also Note: ...
5 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 64 domain computer cannot access Linux (Raspberry Pi3) samba share

Samba server: Raspberry Pi3, running osmc media server (I believe this is a down-scaled Raspbian version). Samba version: 4.2.10 Domain controller: Windows 2012 Windows client: Windows 10 Evt. 64-...
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1 answer

Eclipse won't start on raspberry pi 4 - "An error has occurred. See the log file"

I've just bought my first raspberry pi and installed Eclipse using the sudo apt-get install eclipse command however when trying to run it I get the following error: An error has occurred. See the ...
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1 answer

Host getting multiple IP addresses

I have 2 raspberry pi's running in my house with intermittent connectivity and both get dhcp addresses from my DHCP server. eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 10....
4 votes
1 answer

Software adjustment of LCD monitor brightness in Raspberry Pi

This is my first post here. I'm at the beginning of the road called Raspberry Pi. Is there any way of changing the gamma/contrast/brightness of monitor via Raspberry Pi? My Samsung 960BF doesn't ...
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1 answer

Systemd Service does not start on reboot

I have the following systemd service called startupsh.service placed in /etc/systemd/system/ on my raspberry pi running rasbpian. [Unit] Description=Service to start telegram bot After=graphical....
3 votes
0 answers

Sometimes when I start a video in vlc player the space bar restarts the video instead of pausing/playing, how can I fix that?

As the title says, sometimes when I start a video in vlc player the space bar doesn't work as expected. I can watch 20 minutes of a program, and when I press the space bar to pause the video it ...
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1 answer

Where to add ip link settings so they will execute on boot?

I have a Raspberry Pi 0 W which I am setting up to share a USB device, I want to add the following somewhere so they are executed on boot: sudo ip link set dev can0 type can bitrate 500000 ...
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Wireguard VPN works on my iPhone, but not on my Windows 11 PC

So I've been trying to turn my raspberry to a VPN server using PiVPN, WireGuard and DuckDNS. I've had some success as after configuring Wireguard on my iPhone the connection works. However, the same ...
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PXE Booting a Raspberry pi 4

I have a PXE and TFTP Server in a VM and want to Boot a Raspberry Pi 4 with it. I want to serve a RaspberryOS image to the pi4 because I don't want to use a sd-card for it. How do I need to configure ...
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1 answer

dphys-swapfile on btrfs volume fails

I have used dphys-swapfile with the default path of /var/swap and a 2048M swap file. However, since /var/swap is on a SD card, I wanted to move the swap file to a magnetic disk. So I ran sudo dphys-...
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0 answers

Cant connect via SSH or XRDP over wireguard

I have a wireguard server and 2 wireguard peers connected to the server. All 3 can ping each other on the wg0 interface, but the 2 peers cannot connect to each other. I have found where people had ...
5 votes
1 answer

podman "The cgroupv2 manager is set to systemd but there is no systemd user session available" warning

Context I am using a Raspberry Pi running on Raspbian. I connect remotely using ssh. I want to use podman for building images and running containers, the exact same way I've done on my local machine. ...

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