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Questions tagged [raspbian]

Raspian is an Operating System based on Debian optimized for Raspberry Pi hardware.

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Linux: How to find the location of a specific "include" library in Python? [migrated]

Note: I have already searched extensively and found nothing that even vaguely resembles an answer, including here. If this is a stupid question or a duplicate, please accept my apologies. Also Note: ...
Jim JR Harris's user avatar
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Host getting multiple IP addresses

I have 2 raspberry pi's running in my house with intermittent connectivity and both get dhcp addresses from my DHCP server. eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 10....
Nathan's user avatar
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Where to add ip link settings so they will execute on boot?

I have a Raspberry Pi 0 W which I am setting up to share a USB device, I want to add the following somewhere so they are executed on boot: sudo ip link set dev can0 type can bitrate 500000 ...
SPlatten's user avatar
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Wireguard VPN works on my iPhone, but not on my Windows 11 PC

So I've been trying to turn my raspberry to a VPN server using PiVPN, WireGuard and DuckDNS. I've had some success as after configuring Wireguard on my iPhone the connection works. However, the same ...
user1866925's user avatar
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PXE Booting a Raspberry pi 4

I have a PXE and TFTP Server in a VM and want to Boot a Raspberry Pi 4 with it. I want to serve a RaspberryOS image to the pi4 because I don't want to use a sd-card for it. How do I need to configure ...
zahia Addida's user avatar
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dphys-swapfile on btrfs volume fails

I have used dphys-swapfile with the default path of /var/swap and a 2048M swap file. However, since /var/swap is on a SD card, I wanted to move the swap file to a magnetic disk. So I ran sudo dphys-...
user149408's user avatar
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Cant connect via SSH or XRDP over wireguard

I have a wireguard server and 2 wireguard peers connected to the server. All 3 can ping each other on the wg0 interface, but the 2 peers cannot connect to each other. I have found where people had ...
thespartin's user avatar
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Linux found preloaded shared library: potential threat to security?

On a Linux Raspbian system, I have performed variuos security checks and among those I have performed a rkhunter scan to seek for rootkits, backdoors, and other malicious software with the following ...
Luca Spuntoni's user avatar
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How to setup a access point on my raspberry pi zero w? (Re-Ask)

this is a duplicate of my first question. Since I found out more info about the topic, but not the answer yet, I will update the question. Here is the new info I found out: My TP-Link WN722N eu is ...
CacheZero1's user avatar
5 votes
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podman "The cgroupv2 manager is set to systemd but there is no systemd user session available" warning

Context I am using a Raspberry Pi running on Raspbian. I connect remotely using ssh. I want to use podman for building images and running containers, the exact same way I've done on my local machine. ...
GregoirePelegrin's user avatar
2 votes
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Running CUPS on Raspberry Pi - Webpage unaccessable

I am trying to configure my Raspberry Pi to connect to my printer and allow me to print wirelessly using the cups webserver. My Raspberry Pi 3b+ is running headless ubuntu: Distributor ID: Ubuntu ...
Seb's user avatar
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Can't SSH (or generally access) server over Wi-FI

When trying to ssh or ping my Raspberry Pi server on my LAN I get a "No route to host": $ ping ...
Sneek's user avatar
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No audio on Raspberry Pi 3

I lost the audio for some reason on Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch). If I do this: sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835 .... I get this: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'snd_bcm2835': Unknown symbol in module, ...
user2860427's user avatar
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how to compress entire debian distro into an iso backup to flash raspberry pi sd card later?

i specifically want to do this as i used berryboot to install a version of raspbian without a gui as i was going to be using it without a monitor for nonstop daily use. the problem for me is that ...
Jimmy Bungalo's user avatar
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Docker containers inaccessible in browser after reboot - Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4 Raspberry Pi OS Lite Docker 23.0.0 Docker containers are not accessible in the browser after reboot, I thought it may have been because the containers do not start, but it appears that ...
Yeah Nah's user avatar
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WLAN: how to configure entropy file in wpa_supplicant.conf

wpa_passphrase creates network login information for wpa_supplicant.conf. wpa_supplicant takes an option -e to store entropy across restarts. I understand internally stored entropy as a way to make ...
Bernhard Bodenstorfer's user avatar
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FFMPEG, producing stream, wish to write to disk while streaming, segmenting

) I have fought the long battle of getting somehow familiar with this wonderful beast of a thing, FFMPEG. I have coped with several things, learned that I will never get old enough to at least master ...
CSB's user avatar
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SSL error: Wrong version number

I get the following error when trying the connection to github: curl -vLk * Trying * Connected to ( port 443 (#0) * ...
Robert's user avatar
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Raspberry pi permanently change if metric

I have a raspberry pi running raspbian, with eth0 connected to a local network and wlan0 connected to my router. For this to work, I need to set the metric for wlan0 to a lower value than eth0. I have ...
Robert's user avatar
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How do I access a second paritition of a linux sd

I'm having trouble finding a useful answer about this. But basically I need to edit a file manually (because I broke networking). I pulled out the sd card of my raspberry pi and injected it into my ...
Alita's user avatar
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how can I get the list of installed packages of a raspbian system from a mounted system disk?

I have the SD card from a raspberry buster system, which doesn't boot anymore but is still readable. How can I get the list of installed packages so that I can check which packages had been installed ...
user333869's user avatar
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Write the list of content of a .rar or zip archive into a txt log file with 7z

I have a huge archive.rar and I would like to know its content without extracting it. Using 7z on a Raspbian Here are the commands i tried that did just write an empty output.txt file : sudo 7z l ...
user1719210's user avatar
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Mac won't connect to Samba on Pi

I wish to connect a Mac (Big Sur) to a Samba server running on a Raspberry Pi (Bullseye). The Samba server works on the Pi, but when I try to connect the Mac to the server smb:// it ...
Roger's user avatar
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How to sync clock with chrony after every 1 minute

I want to sync my system clock with chrony after every 1 minute. The chrony.conf file says it sync after 11 minutes
roXx's user avatar
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Sometimes when I start a video in vlc player the space bar restarts the video instead of pausing/playing, how can I fix that?

As the title says, sometimes when I start a video in vlc player the space bar doesn't work as expected. I can watch 20 minutes of a program, and when I press the space bar to pause the video it ...
mal's user avatar
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Connecting to a home server on a cellular hotspot

I am seeking advice on a networking issue I have run into recently. I suspect that I a making an obvious mistake in my assumptions about connections between machines on separate networks. My goal is ...
ivanovich's user avatar
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Launch command after reboot on Raspbian?

I Have problems with mounting the drives after the reboot. I have a openmadiavault server with 2 HDDs connected via USB 3.1 to the raspberry pi 4. But sometimes they dont mount as they should. I did ...
Artai Fernandez Lopez's user avatar
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BlueZ not updating

i'm currently trying to update BlueZ on my RaspberryPi. But I've an issue where bluetoothctl -v, bluetoothd -v and dpkg --status bluez | grep '^Version:' are not changing their versions, no matter ...
Dome's user avatar
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fstab entry for external nextcloud drive is not working

I'm pretty desperate right now... I just want my external hard drive to automount when I reboot my raspberry pi, but the fstab entry is not working and I don't know why. Here is my fstab: PARTUUID=...
Tim K's user avatar
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Why can’t I access a device with 4G modem connection over the internet when I can connect to another device with a 4G connection without issue?

I have a Raspberry Pi device where I use a 4G modem (D-Link DWM-222) to connect it to the internet. The interface PPP0 gets an IP and everything works great. I was thinking that I would get a public ...
Andreas Larsson's user avatar
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Arch Processing Structure Raspberry Pi

Am attempting to run a node that reads through the ARM processing structure. That said my current arch is aarch64, code below: mypi@raspberrypi:~ $ arch ; uname -m aarch64 aarch64 An individual who ...
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Cannot boot from SD Card on Raspberry Pi 3+ when external hard drive is connected

I have a Raspberry Pi 3+ and I boot Raspbian on an SD card sold with the Raspberry Pi 3+, I specify that the SD card was therefore already flash when purchased. For a few weeks I had planned to make ...
Naikho's user avatar
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How to reset root password on Linux? Just getting the NOOBS window

I have a Linux computer, and I recently needed the root password to my system. When I got the computer, I didn't know the root password, and currently need to reset it. I'm thinking I would need to ...
Blox's user avatar
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Correct flag to use instead of --icmp-type?

I am trying to set up iptables v1.8.7 on a Debian 11 Raspberry Pi to block ICMP timestamp requests and replies. The tutorial I am following and all the other forums I have looked at say to use the ...
SuperDialga's user avatar
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Synchronize recording of three cameras with ffmpeg

I am trying to make the video that is recorded from three usb webcams be synchronized, I am using this command, but I still have differences by milliseconds or seconds. Any idea how to achieve it? ...
José Vicente R's user avatar
16 votes
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chown - Operation not permitted even as root user

I'm trying to chown a specific USB drive folder that has been mounted on my RPI 400. This is my lsblk -f result: sda1 exfat 1.0 WD Media 0C23-43CD 1.8T 0% /mnt/WD ...
Nico's user avatar
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Accidentally changed owner of `/etc/sudoers` to non root. Can't sudo or revert

On Raspbian, tried to change permission for /etc/sudoers.d/octoprint-shutdown to pi user to edit the file and it worked but now I can't sudo anything. The command I used to break it: pkexec chown pi:...
Miro's user avatar
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46 views (bash) runs in one directory, not in another

I have a problem with a specific directory (under Raspbian) The shell I use is simple === pi@R4:~/log $ cat #!/bin/bash echo "juju" exit 0 === Problem directory is ~/log : === pi@...
Mikel Vergy's user avatar
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Raspbian with a VLAN setup, assigning 2 IP addresses to each interface when I don't want it to

I can't figure this out. Below is my configuration in /etc/network/interface.d/eth0. Originally I had all these setup as DHCP, but I was getting 2 IPs for each interface. I changed it to static and I ...
Douglas Marttinen's user avatar
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Computer Architecture – Why are they different even if the machine is the same?

I've got a Raspberry Pi 4. If I install NOOBS / Raspbian and run the comand. uname -m I get armv7l as an output. If I install Ubuntu on the very same Pi (same hardware) Running uname -m yields arm64. ...
Some random IT boy's user avatar
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How do I edit the rc.local file on my Raspberry using another PC?

I edited my rc.local file to start 2 python scripts and a flutter app on boot and I set it up to boot in console mode. But now I can't close the flutter app. I already tried pressing CTRL + Z or CTRL +...
Tin Pocrnic's user avatar
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How to display feh fullscreen slideshow on second screen

I am running a Raspberry Pi 4 as a signage computer and I need to run slideshows on two televisions which both need to be able to fullscreen. When I use feh and attempt to fullscreen the screen2 it ...
Jharris1's user avatar
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Resume TimeMachine backup with Samba on RPi

I backup my Mac using TimeMachine over Samba which is installed on my Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian Lite). Everything was OK since a long time (I started this backup from macOS Big Sur and now I'm on ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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Add logo to vlc video Raspberry

I try to set the crop function Raspberry Pi OS 11 (bullseye) vlc 3.VLC media player 3.0.16 Vetinari (revision 1.0.6-1682-g88158c836) Raspberry PI 3b+ cvlc -f --crop=16:9 --video-filter=croppadd{...
pette's user avatar
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samba share running but shares are not accessible (raspbian)

I am setting up a raspberry pi 4 server with samba (SMBD/CIFS) file-share and despite replicating tutorials and using the same setup as on a previous pi I could not get it to connect. The samba ...
Gerge's user avatar
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Raspberry PI / systemd: run script on shutdown/poweroff but not on restart

On Raspberry PI (running raspbian) I need to run script on shutdown/poweroff, but not on reboot. My first attempt was to define a service as following: [Unit] Description=Power off service [Service] ...
Denis Itskovich's user avatar
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Raspberry PI OS on SSD "goes to sleep while running"

I just bought a SSD and an Adapter for my pi to run the system on them. After some small complications with getting the backup image from the SD-Card to the SSD and everything seems to be fine. I got ...
Hamm3rhart's user avatar
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Can't connect to Raspberry Pi via macOS laptop. Works via other devices

Can’t connect to Raspberry Pi via MacOS laptop. Works via other devices including Linux and iOS. This is the macOS terminal command and output: ssh -vvvvvv -p 9091 [email protected] OpenSSH_8.8p1, ...
discord's user avatar
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Systemd Service does not start on reboot

I have the following systemd service called startupsh.service placed in /etc/systemd/system/ on my raspberry pi running rasbpian. [Unit] Description=Service to start telegram bot After=graphical....
Pepsilon7's user avatar
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mosquitto broker shuts down when terminal is closed

I have a problem with mosquitto running on my pi 3. I use it to transmit temperature and humidity from several sensors in my appartement (433 mhz) to my node red which is also running on my pi. When I ...
Vadi's user avatar
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