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Questions tagged [plesk]

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50 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
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How can I link an SMTP server to a Docker container under Plesk Onyx?

I'm running a Docker container on a Plesk Onyx managed server using the Docker extension. Everything is fine except email. How do I go about either linking my smtp server to the container or modifying ...
RyGuy's user avatar
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4 votes
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Setup default PHP version in Plesk 12

I've just setup a Plesk 12 CentOS6 vServer. I installed some PHP-versions like 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. The customers can change the running PHP version in the interface. All is working fine, but I have one ...
dude's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why do firewall updates in Plesk/Linux take so long

This is more a question of curiosity. When I update the firewall rules using Plesk on a Linux vServer, the update takes 'very long'. Very long means 15-20 minutes until the necessary statements are ...
Kurt Ludikovsky's user avatar
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ProFTPD not working properly anymore after chmod accident

Background Yesterday morning I was configuring a WordPress installation on my vserver via SSH and screwed up like a proper DAU (been logged in as root of course). :( I wanted to set the plugins ...
Mario Werner's user avatar
2 votes
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Set-up GIT deployment on server running plesk

I have a lot of experience with Linux/Unix based systems. I've been setting up many GIT deployments, from my own administered dedicated stacks, shared hosts, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, OpenBSD. Yet one ...
user522580's user avatar
2 votes
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My nameserver isn't registered?

My problem is that I am trying to set my domain's nameservers to the nameservers of my dedicated server. My domain is hosted by Namecheap, and everytime I try to input the two nameservers for my ...
J.W.F.'s user avatar
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Are there no error logs for MySQL on Plesk server (Ubuntu)?

I have installed a Plesk server with version 18.0.57 on an Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. I am looking for the error logs for MySQL accesses or MariaDB accesses. But I can't find them via SSH. Where could they ...
David Simon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My connection is closed after connecting to server via SSH

I Clash to big problem for me. I have vPS on Hetzner with ubuntu OS and plesk. I have shared hosting for some specific websites for my companie. When I want to connect to the domain name via ssh I'm ...
DevGuL LVL 1's user avatar
1 vote
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PHP cron job — that worked before — suddenly stopped working when Plesk scheduled tasks

I am creating the cronjob from my Plesk control panel. The cron is like so: 0 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * /usr/bin/php httpdocs/sources/australia.php >> /var/www/vhosts/website-here/logs/topfbk....
Cristian Badea's user avatar
1 vote
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Scheduled auto reply - Email

I have been trying for a while but cannot see any way to have out of office Auto replies run on a schedule. I currently use Thunderbird as my email client, Roundcube as my webmail client app, and ...
SupGen's user avatar
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Interpreting Plesk logfiles in Awstats

I'm trying to use Awstats to analyse the Apache logs generated by my web host. I've got Awstats up and running on my machine using XAMPP, and have downloaded and concatenated the various .gz logfiles ...
Philip Taylor's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Plesk 12 trying to get a mail with queue details

I'm trying to set up a mail which will tell me when there is 100 mails in the mail queue. I'm not a linux server person so i@d appreciate some help. I have: # get server hostname ...
user1616338's user avatar
1 vote
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SSL Certificate error in Internet Explorer but not Firefox, Chrome or Edge

I have installed security certificates on 2 websites, which work perfectly in Firefox, Chrome and Edge but when accessing in Internet Explorer (10 and 11), users get the "There is a problem with this ...
Pandy Legend's user avatar
1 vote
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Accessing url internally from Plesk machine

I have a web application that needs to access its own url. E.g., the url is, on that website it calls a resource from However this is ...
bonez's user avatar
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Switch red5 https.port

Our Plesk parallels was installed at port 8443 and since installing red5, we haven't had use of it. I later found out that by default, when a server has ssl, red5 uses port 8443. Is there any way to ...
Christian's user avatar

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