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Plesk Server hast 100% CPU Usage by Apache Issue found in one client

I have an ubuntu V-Server with Plesk, and have a 100% CPU Usage. When I check with htop I have hundreds of apache processes running. I tried to figure out from where those processes are comming. I ...
Felix's user avatar
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Changing Root Permission

It appears that someone changed the permissions on my root folder and now, not only can I access any of my websites but I can't even change the root permissions back to where they need to be or access ...
Herman Tibbs's user avatar
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My connection is closed after connecting to server via SSH

I Clash to big problem for me. I have vPS on Hetzner with ubuntu OS and plesk. I have shared hosting for some specific websites for my companie. When I want to connect to the domain name via ssh I'm ...
DevGuL LVL 1's user avatar
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PHP cron job — that worked before — suddenly stopped working when Plesk scheduled tasks

I am creating the cronjob from my Plesk control panel. The cron is like so: 0 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * /usr/bin/php httpdocs/sources/australia.php >> /var/www/vhosts/website-here/logs/topfbk....
Cristian Badea's user avatar
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I need sftp vhost permissions on lightsail plesk ubuntu

desperately attempting to upload/open the /var/www/vhosts/ on using PLESK on ubuntu thru aws lightsail. I am able to connect to the folder structure via sftp using the ubuntu credentials/...
TedCampos's user avatar
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How to finish a Plesk update on ubuntu?

So I have Plesk installed on ubuntu 16.04.06 and recently an update failed with this error: ERROR: Installation will not continue The apg-get failed with the following message: Reading package lists.....
Morgan Smith's user avatar
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Error when running updates on Ubuntu

I get the following error when running dpkg update via the command line on my Ubuntu server and have no idea how to resolve it 2019-02-03 06:25:32 INFO: no packages to update E:Sub-process /usr/bin/...
Matthew Temple's user avatar
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mx records issues with plesk

Hi I have two domains they both have a A records to the same ubuntu server with plesk. One of the domains uses a mail Server on the same ubuntu plesk server. The second domain has its dns mx record ...
Felix's user avatar
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Ubuntu with plesk 17 spamassasin not working

at the moment I got very much spam mails. All of them are polish and have a spamscore of more then 5.5. So I thought yeah easys just adjust spamassasin in my plesk panel to 5 and the spam is ...
Felix's user avatar
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ProFTPD not working properly anymore after chmod accident

Background Yesterday morning I was configuring a WordPress installation on my vserver via SSH and screwed up like a proper DAU (been logged in as root of course). :( I wanted to set the plugins ...
Mario Werner's user avatar
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Ubuntu Plesk SSH issues (permitRootLogin)

I got a new Ubuntu 14.04 server with unlimited Plesk delivered and working. If I try to migrate the old server through Plesk's Migration Manager it reports the following issues: rsync execution error:...
Klaaz's user avatar
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Change the SSL ciphers used by Apache2 in Plesk 11.5 and Ubuntu 12.04

I want to change the configuration of my Apache2 server so that it accepts the following lines in order to disable weak TLS ciphers and enable perfect forward secrecy. SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 ...
Phil's user avatar
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Trying to fix plesk... "ERROR: The product with ID plesk is not installed on the server"

I recently upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 and now to 12.04 and have since broken my plesk install. I have tried to repair plesk with /opt/psa/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --select-release-current --...
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
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Issue with plesk installation in Ubuntu - apt packages error

OS: Ubuntu 12.04 Plesk 11 Hi all, I have a problem during installation of plesk when plesk wants to install more packages from apt. 385 packages need to be installed. 49 packages need to be ...
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