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Questions tagged [plesk]

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ProFTPD not working properly anymore after chmod accident

Background Yesterday morning I was configuring a WordPress installation on my vserver via SSH and screwed up like a proper DAU (been logged in as root of course). :( I wanted to set the plugins ...
Mario Werner's user avatar
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How to fix FTP Login Error?

After setting up FTP account for user the following message appears after trying to login to Filezilla: Response: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. Error: Critical error: ...
user3597763's user avatar
-1 votes
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SFTP stopped working after creating a FTP account

I have created a FTP account using Plesk which is running fine. But since then my SFTP account stopped working. I am new to the whole administration stuff and I can't figure out how the creation of an ...
cads's user avatar
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Centos 7 + Plesk, Cant access control panel

I am in this horrible situation. I have tried several ways to get my VPS server properly to work. My problem is that my server is pointing to https://server1:8443/ instead of [IP]:8443 or ...
Jens Karlsen's user avatar
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Set-up GIT deployment on server running plesk

I have a lot of experience with Linux/Unix based systems. I've been setting up many GIT deployments, from my own administered dedicated stacks, shared hosts, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, OpenBSD. Yet one ...
user522580's user avatar
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Mysql won't start on CentOS 6.7 running Plesk

I have a Plesk server, and yesterday I tried to update it to the newest version. After a couple of tries, I couldn’t reach my Plesk panel anymore. Getting this error: ERROR: ...
Robin Timman's user avatar
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Receiving mails fails (milter service connection refusal)

I'm currently operating a server, on which runs a mailserver. The mailserver was configured by plesk and it worked fine until those messages appeared in my maillog: /var/log/maillog postfix/smtpd[...
Peter's user avatar
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Ubuntu Plesk SSH issues (permitRootLogin)

I got a new Ubuntu 14.04 server with unlimited Plesk delivered and working. If I try to migrate the old server through Plesk's Migration Manager it reports the following issues: rsync execution error:...
Klaaz's user avatar
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Setup default PHP version in Plesk 12

I've just setup a Plesk 12 CentOS6 vServer. I installed some PHP-versions like 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. The customers can change the running PHP version in the interface. All is working fine, but I have one ...
dude's user avatar
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Setting a CRON to be run on every 1st and the 3rd Monday

I need to set up a CRON job to be scheduled in every 1st and the 3rd Monday of every Month. I'm using the Plesk control panel for setting these as follows. Currently CRON runs successfully, however ...
inckka's user avatar
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Using proxypass with plesk, show admin session ip

I've setup a subdomain for use with plesk so I don't have to type out the port all the time. Here is my HTTP configuration: SSLProxyEngine Off RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule $ ...
Nahydrin's user avatar
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Internal error: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'psa.domainaliases' doesn't exist

How do I resolve this error- Internal error: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'psa.domainaliases' doesn't exist I tried upgrading from Plesk 9 to 11.0.9 and when I click on ...
S R's user avatar
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Some files/directories are not listed by ProFTPD server

I just inherited a WordPress site that a client had half-developed by another web developer. The site is hosted on a Strato dedicated server and has got a Plesk installed on it. I just made an FTP ...
anexo's user avatar
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MX Records / DNS settings (mail not received)

We have a VPS running Plesk and I have the following DNS records set in Plesk DNS manager; specifics have been changed change for privacy. But the mailbox does not appear to be receiving mail ...
b_uk_happy's user avatar
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How do I use variables in bash to output to a file and to a mail body with sendmail

The idea is to automate WordPress installs via Plesk. I've got Plesk setup with a cronjob to download the latest.tar.gz from and extract it every morning and now I'm trying to get the ...
Mud's user avatar
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unable to delete/mark-read emails

I think there is something wrong with the folder-path configuration, but I am unaware how to solve this. I can send/recieve mails over IMAP with my mail applications, but no emails will go marked as ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Change the SSL ciphers used by Apache2 in Plesk 11.5 and Ubuntu 12.04

I want to change the configuration of my Apache2 server so that it accepts the following lines in order to disable weak TLS ciphers and enable perfect forward secrecy. SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 ...
Phil's user avatar
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Accessing url internally from Plesk machine

I have a web application that needs to access its own url. E.g., the url is, on that website it calls a resource from However this is ...
bonez's user avatar
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My nameserver isn't registered?

My problem is that I am trying to set my domain's nameservers to the nameservers of my dedicated server. My domain is hosted by Namecheap, and everytime I try to input the two nameservers for my ...
J.W.F.'s user avatar
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How can I reimage my virtual server to not have size caps to individual directories?

As a prenote, I am extremely new to networking in general, and my knowledge is very minimal, even for things you guys would consider basic. I will try my best to keep up with any advice you have to ...
J.W.F.'s user avatar
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Plesk 11.5: How to add a domain without hosting?

As an advance note, I am EXTREMELY new to server management and I have had no real world experience doing this type of thing nor have I been professionally trained. This is mainly something I'm trying ...
J.W.F.'s user avatar
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SSL Certificates for Plesk dedicated server

We have a dedicated server that is using Plesk 11 and we would like to buy and install a certificate to acheive the following: Remove the "There is a problem with this website's security certificate....
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How to access webmail of old server(plesk) from another new server(cpenel)

dns of domain was pointed to and was pointed to hord. Recently I moved website to new server, so I have update the dns record to,...
Developer's user avatar
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Updating Nginx from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1 while using Plesk 11

Is it possible to upgrade the nginx version witch was originally installed with plesk to the newest stable version without bricking the whole web-server? I got the nginx repository and tried to apt-...
Margu's user avatar
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Plesk keeps crashing, and I only see this warning

Wed May 01 12:05:42 2013] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `Parallels Panel' does NOT match server name!? The above warning seems to coincide every time Plesk Parallels version 11.0.4 ...
Christian's user avatar
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Switch red5 https.port

Our Plesk parallels was installed at port 8443 and since installing red5, we haven't had use of it. I later found out that by default, when a server has ssl, red5 uses port 8443. Is there any way to ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to allow access to only specific IPs with Parallels VZ built-in firewall?

How can I use Parallels Virtuozzo's built-in firewall utility (called psa-firewall under the hood apparently actually psa-firewall seems to be a seperate Plesk interface - either way, it's basically a ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
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Trying to fix plesk... "ERROR: The product with ID plesk is not installed on the server"

I recently upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 and now to 12.04 and have since broken my plesk install. I have tried to repair plesk with /opt/psa/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --select-release-current --...
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
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Issue with plesk installation in Ubuntu - apt packages error

OS: Ubuntu 12.04 Plesk 11 Hi all, I have a problem during installation of plesk when plesk wants to install more packages from apt. 385 packages need to be installed. 49 packages need to be ...
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3 votes
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ProxyPass within plesk 10/11

I would like to redirect some folder within apache2. My webserver uses with plesk 11. I followed this tutorial. It says I've got to put redirection rules in this file /etc/apache2/sites-available/...
Peter's user avatar
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PHP-Error logging plesk

I would like to know, how to enable enable PHP error-logging in Plesk 11. I found PHP-Settings for my domain, but for error-reporting it says "standard". Which seems to me, like it doesn't create a ...
Peter's user avatar
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Bash colorless on Plesk machine (debian)

Somehow from one day to the other, on my plesk server, the bash/terminal was colorless. A friend of mine managed to get it coming back to life (color, that is) by making some changes to the bash ...
SQRCAT's user avatar
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web server very slow, bombarded with php-cgi processes?

I have a Parallel Plesk 11.0.0 with CentOS 6.3. Lately, I've noticed that my web server runs VERY slow (not the norm), CPU average at 80% no matter what kind of traffic, and my top is filled with ...
Tam N.'s user avatar
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Plesk SSH chown root:root admin by mistake

I have a Plesk server running the domain I was trying to run cronjobs using the scheduler on plesk however I was receiving emails of the cronjobs saying: permission denied. I SSH into ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Use Dedicated VPS as a DNS

I live in Canada, I want an american IP (Speficily? So I can watch netflix on my WDTV). I have a dedicated virtual server in California. How do I use my VPS (CentOS 5/64Bit, PLESK) as a DNS.
askon's user avatar
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Moving email to new server (imap)

I would like to know what the best solution is to move imap emails from one server, to another. Both my sevrers do not support any migration tools. I was told to download it to my local mchine using ...
Stefan Oostwegel's user avatar
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Plesk - Create domain when only adding subdomain

I think I'm answering my own question here, but... If I'm just adding a subdomain to Plesk (10.4.4) do I add the main domain and then add a subdomain or just add the subdomain? There's a chance that ...
frontendbeast's user avatar
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Missing access log for virtual host on Plesk

For some reason i don't understand, after creating a new virtual host / domain in Plesk a few months back, i cannot seem to find the access log. I noticed this when running /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/...
SQRCAT's user avatar
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Non-zero exist status and permission denied trying to install application in Plesk 10

I am using Plesk Panel 10.4.4 on an Ubuntu server and trying to install WordPress. I continue to get "Non-zero exit status returned by script" and "failed to open stream: Permission denied" warnings. ...
CoderJK's user avatar
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How to Make a Plesk Windows server work with external nameservers

I have a Plesk windows server and I want it to work with my 3 existing nameservers. I have configured the nameservers to accept zone-files exported from the Windows server but I do not know how to ...
Paddington's user avatar
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hide sub domains and domain alias by default in plesk 10.4

How can I hide sub domains and domain alias by default in plesk 10.4. every time I go to admin area I have to hide both of them manually. is there any default view setting where i can change it.
Developer's user avatar
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installing webmin/plesk/cpanel/directadmin on pc on which squid proxy is installed

I am very new to Squid proxy- what I am wondering is, can I set up a hosting control panel like Cpanel/Webmin/Plesk/Directadmin, on the same box that also has squid proxy installed in it? Will there ...
Arvind's user avatar
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Using Plesk to setup MySQL

Having trouble getting my mysql up and running on a new virtual server. The host gave me Plesk and I think MySQL is installed but I can't seem to access it. I keep getting this: mysql -u admin -p ...
cdub's user avatar
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StartSSL Free Certificate and Plesk, https connection still unsecure

I'd just installed my certs correctly into my Plesk 8.3.0, I encountered some trouble with the "CA didn't sign the certificate" warning message but I solved it. Right now it seems to me that ...
MiPnamic's user avatar
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Do I have to wait 60 days to transfer website from hosting service to another hosting?

My current website is hosted on a website called my hosting panel. It has Plesk installed over there, and it's really frustrating trying to upload files, see the changes, since you put www.yoursite....
Junior Mayhe's user avatar
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Problem to retrieve shortcut to FTP updates on Typo3 Website

I had a crash on my webserver and had to reinstall an update of the Website that was 2 years old (because nothing younger!). The Webserver is on Plesk 8.6 and the Website uses Typo3. Now my problem is ...
waszkiewicz's user avatar

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