I had a crash on my webserver and had to reinstall an update of the Website that was 2 years old (because nothing younger!). The Webserver is on Plesk 8.6 and the Website uses Typo3. Now my problem is simple: before, I had a direct FTP access from every computer to "updates.myserver.de", that was actually a shortcut for "srv/www/myserver.de/httpdocs/..." etc. Now it seems the path doesn't work anymore, and every time I try to connect to "updates.myserver.de" i only open "myserver.de", and need to look for the folder then. Does anybody have an idea how to fix the problem?

  • I don't think this is related to TYPO3? There's a lot of unrelated noise in the question, if you'd ask me... (You might also want to have a look at the preview while editing, or read superuser.com/editing-help Success!)
    – Arjan
    Commented Jan 12, 2010 at 11:48

1 Answer 1


It really depends on your definition of "crash", if you had to reinstall Plesk from scratch, I do not think that updates. is a default location so you should go in to FTP settings and make sure that the settings are correct.

  • Yes, but the FTP settings in Plesk are reduced to "Login" and "password". And also the shell access, I don't know if I should change that. Could it be on my 1&1 hosting system? Commented Jan 12, 2010 at 12:29

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