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Questions tagged [mariadb]

SQL database that can be used as a "drop-in" replacement for MySQL

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mysql - show all users/hosts with privileges to access a certain database [migrated]

Is there a way to list all users/hosts that have been granted access to a database? I know I can do this: > show grants for someuser; +---------------------------------------------------------------...
eftshift0's user avatar
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Install of MariaDB hangs. What to do to ensure it proceeds to completion?

My environment: UbuntuMATE 20.04 on Amd64 box Linux hostname 5.4.0-176-generic #196-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 22 16:46:39 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Log of attempted install session: root@...
Eric Marceau's user avatar
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Waiting for a MySQL or MariaDB server to become ready to perform updates

Is there an universal command/query to issue at the mysql client program to wait for the server to become ready for processing queries and updates, independent of whether the server is MySQL or ...
Juergen's user avatar
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MariaDB - database folder changed?

I have MariaDB installed via Homebrew on MacOS. I have local databases in /usr/local/var/mysql but a day or two ago, my local MariaDB now points to /opt/homebrew/var/mysql and does not find any of my ...
dan2k3k4's user avatar
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Why is MariaDB refusing to start?

MariaDB refused to start with this error: Can't create/write to file '/var/run/mysqld/' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied") I think it may be a permissions error somewhere,. How ...
Stevie Lambert's user avatar
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Can't bring back old mysql on mac

Initial problem is when I try to run mysql on terminal it outputs something like this: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61) I was triying to ...
toghrul-nasirli's user avatar
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Check Constraint in MariaDB 10.1.48 not working

i have following table: CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT, b INT, CONSTRAINT a_greater CHECK (a>b) ); So, a must be larger than b. When executing this insert, it should not work: insert into ...
Timo Treichel's user avatar
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mariadb not allowing connection with only 1 cpu core at 95%

I am inquiring about ways to allow an import and have the database accessible at the same time. I have tried to do a 60gb mysqldump import and it only uses 1 core so it takes hours. The storage is ...
cybernard's user avatar
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Are there no error logs for MySQL on Plesk server (Ubuntu)?

I have installed a Plesk server with version 18.0.57 on an Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. I am looking for the error logs for MySQL accesses or MariaDB accesses. But I can't find them via SSH. Where could they ...
David Simon's user avatar
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Running mariadb on alpine container

I'm attempting to run mariadb on an alpine:latest (asof 20231027; 20230901; 3.18.4) container. Forgive a n00b, but I've always run it on a host system that comes with it pre-installed. I ran ...
FIREBAAT's user avatar
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Connect to a remote MariaDB server using VirtualMin

I have a web server but wish to locate a separate server for MariaDB. I'm following this tutorial but there's no "Module Config" under Webmin -> Servers -> MariaDB Database Server. ...
Henix's user avatar
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Connect to MariaDb datasource in Power Bi

I have successfully connected to my MariaDb/MySQL datasource in Power Bi Desktop using the Oracle MariaDB ODBC connector. I use Import mode to be able to model the imported data in Power Bi. So far, ...
jtheman's user avatar
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mariadb 10.1: Access denied for user, from ipv6 only

Adding an access record with host %, or with host does not provide access when accessing via IPv6. Nor does using the specific IPv6 address. I only get 'access denied'. The SQL server is ...
aphid's user avatar
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How can I add 2 missing nodes to a galera cluster that has one node that is accepting reads and writes?

I am running a galera cluster with 3 nodes, having 3TB of data. Last night due to a short power cut and a faulty UPS I completely lost 2 of the nodes and everything in /var/lib/mysql folder. At this ...
netrangermike's user avatar
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With DBeaver connecting to MariaDB, how to keep the session alive?

DBeaver uses MariaDB Connector/J, and the driver disconnects after completing the query. We are trying to use a MariaDB feature that depends on the session, so we need to run the query and keep the ...
James's user avatar
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Unable to get mariadb to get bound on localhost

On my remote Ubuntu 20.04 server I have an instance of mariadb running. I can access this server through SSH with user myuser and open run the CLI-client on the server to open a prompt for the ...
Kevin Matsubara's user avatar
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MariaDB: Should I configure the db-server using "/etc/my.cnf" or a file in "/etc/my.cnf.d"?

I am trying to configure MariaDB on a machine with Fedora 37: Workstation as its operating system. I expected to use /etc/my.cnf to configure the ports and such, however, the file contained an include ...
JΛYDΞV's user avatar
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Why can't I connect to my MariaDB server from my mac, but I can connect from a Docker container on the same machine?

I have set up a MariaDB server on, port 6612. I have the following situation from the command line on my local laptop (macOS): $ mysql -h -...
audiodude's user avatar
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Create a MySQL database backup on a daily basis and keep only last N copies

A common issue for administrators. I have a database that I want to make a daily backup. Also, I want to keep only last week n copies. Do you have any recommendations based on essential Linux commands?...
Gonzalo Cao's user avatar
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MariaDB --tc-heuristic-recover in Docker container

I have a MariaDB database in a docker container for my home automation (homeassistant). For some reason it stopped working and I get this error in the docker system logs: 221001 12:27:03 mysqld_safe ...
derhannes's user avatar
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Differences between the zone info SQL files generated on different RHEL hosts

We want to install time zone data in MariaDB using mariadb-tzinfo-to-sql. The process roughly includes: Generating an SQL file from the files in /usr/share/zoneinfo of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 ...
James's user avatar
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Is there any reasons for using MySQL over MariaDB? [closed]

this is the first time that I ask a question here. Is there any reasons for using MySQL over MariaDB ? I am currently using MariaDB (Everywhere home and pro) since Debian (Stretch) is no longer ...
MaximeMichaud's user avatar
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Can't start mariadb service with brew in mac

I am trying to start mariaDB in mac with brew services. I run brew services stop --all jenkins-lts none mariadb none memcached none mysql none [email protected] ...
AlbertMunichMar's user avatar
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Running MariaDB in a container with storage through NFS

I'm trying to run a MariaDB container on a raspberry pi. The container is created through docker-compose and to persist the data I want to use my NAS. To mount a directory from the NAS to the ...
Martijn's user avatar
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Why is MariaDB using localhost when using TCP?

I installed MariaDB via Nix and I am having trouble connecting via TCP. I have users such as: MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user; +---------------+-----------+----------------------...
steinybot's user avatar
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Failed to connect to MySQL: (2002) No such file or directoryError: // MariaDB issue?

--Apologies in advance. Not a coder, but have gotten this far with the assistance of v helpful people on forums such as this-- I've had a VM instance running on GCP with no issues for a couple of ...
jellybeans's user avatar
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MariaDB: How do I load a copy of a table into RAM for frequent reading?

Colleagues, tell me how to keep a copy of the table in RAM? I have a database server on MariaDB. One of its databases contains a small table - about five fields and several dozen records. The records ...
ogogon's user avatar
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Php Extension MySqli installed but calling it gives an error

I run the following statements (so it is completely reproducible) (because i wanted to play with the source code of WordPress) and the following makes your current dir a website running under 8082 (...
edelwater's user avatar
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How to set up an SQL database on Synology NAS?

I would like to set up REST API, which can communicate with my database on my NAS. I made this simple PHP code for the database connection, and it works perfectly with Xampp on my computer. <?php $...
Daniel's user avatar
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Start mySQL docker container with existing InnoDB Database failing on startup

I'm testing the workflow to start a mySQL Docker Container with an existing InnoDB directory. This was pretty much rsync'ed from a remote server. I tried MariaDB with the following result: db_mariaDB |...
Codebaard's user avatar
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Error for remove mysql-server-8.0 on linux system

Hello my mysql install is broken i can't uninstall or reinstall them i'm stuck. Os: POP Os 20.04 LTS Mysql: mysql Ver 8.0.21-0ubuntu0.20.04.4 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)) Problem I have ...
Jud3v's user avatar
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How to increase MariaDB memory from my.cnf?

I'm using Centos 7 and trying to increase MariaDB memory and performance and as I read before here I need to increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size but I can't find it in "/etc/my.cnf" file ...
Apex Studios's user avatar
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Understanding versioning with MySQL and MariaDB?

I'm trying to understand the relationship between MySQL versions and MariaDB versions and hoping someone can clarify? I was under the impression that MariaDB was forked from MySQL many years ago and, ...
an0nc0d3r's user avatar
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The SQL statement to check "~ is in or not"

I'd like make the right table from the left table on MySQL. enter image description here SELECT AS id, AS name, as loca FROM tst A, tst B WHERE = B.loca; But, This can not ...
Directional Antenna's user avatar
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MariaDB will not start using bind mounts

Fresh install MariaDB on freshly installed Kubuntu 20.04. After successfully setting up MariaDB with the "stock" databases, it was running fine. Then I moved and renamed the original contents of /var/...
theber's user avatar
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How to recover and restore a MariaDB database from a broken CentOS 7 system?

In a Virtual Box VM I had CentOS 7 server installed in a VDI HDD and for some reason “Something I did obviously…” I cant boot the machine with the messages bad magic number you need load the kernel ...
denn0n's user avatar
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Slow write performance of MariaDb with data directory outside root partition

My application suffers from slow write actions into a MariaDB when the data directory of the server is on a different disk partition then the root partition. I use a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian ...
elnacho's user avatar
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mariadb: table not viewable from user root

With adminer, user root, in debian busters, a table in a mariadb database isn't read: Why cannot I see the table UserHistory like the others? I suppose that the mariadb root user has all the ...
Paolo Benvenuto's user avatar
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MariaDB on MacOS: where is the default ibdata1 file?

Using Homebrew, I install MariaDB. It installs fine, but where is the ibdata1 file stored?
Larry K's user avatar
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Installing MariaDB 10.4 on Centos 7

I am experiencing some trouble with installing MariaDB 10.4 on Centos 7. The official mariaDB guide says that a new repo file MariaDB.repo should created in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the contents of: # ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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I broke logging in MariaDB; How to repair?

I messed up. In order to save disk space, I removed mysql-000xx.bin files with Ubuntu's rm command - rather than using the mysql purge command, as I later found out. But the damage is done now, ...
Lyefyre's user avatar
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Send an image to my database server

I am currently working on a webscraper that downloads an image and its title, description etc. from a website. The device that runs the scraper programm is my raspberry pi. I want to store the image ...
rogerg's user avatar
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Can not start MariaDB service on windows 10 machine although I have full admin rights

At work I have to use Windows 10 for the first time and I am having a hard time starting a service. I downloaded the latest version of MariaDB as a .zip from the official homepage at: https://...
Nic.Star's user avatar
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mariadb-server-10.1 fails to install on MX Linux

Trying to install mysql-server which requires mariadb. However, my package manager fails as soon as it gets to mariadb-server-10.1 with the errors: Setting up mariadb-server-10.1 (10.1.41-0+deb9u1) .....
john marcoux's user avatar
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MariaDB is not running, but PID file exists

I have an issue with MySQL. Although it looks like MySQL is able to start on my server: service mysql start Starting MariaDB.190930 03:56:09 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mysqld.log'. 190930 03:56:...
koren ber's user avatar
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phpmyadmin not working after php verion Update

I have VPS with below things installed Nginx, PHP 7.2.22, 10.3.18-MariaDB Recently Updated PHP version from 7.1.17 to 7.2.22 .. After this, website is working fine.. PHPMyAdmin set on custom ...
Aryan Metha's user avatar
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Can I update / delete / insert database records via power query?

So I use Get & Transform (fka Power Query) in Office 365 / Excel 365 to query a MariaDB database (equivalent to MySQL in this case). Given that I have the database permissions to do so, can I ...
Wolfgang Jacques's user avatar
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How to add existing DBase to phpmyadmin

We use phpmyadmin (4.6.6deb5) to admin some MariaDB-databases (10.1.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.10.2 - Ubuntu 18.10) which are added and design by phpadmin. Now we add a database and a user by using the ...
user2564125's user avatar
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SQL data not displaying properly when selecting multiple columns

When I run the following code, I get garbled output MariaDB> select c.customer_id,,o.order_name from customers c left join orders o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id; When I just select a ...
kenw's user avatar
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Latest version of MariaDB 10.4.7 does not launch on Windows 10

I have been using MariaDB locally on my machine for development purposes using the extracted zip version (e.g. This has worked flawlessly while on 10.3.x Have attempted ...
Ed Sheehan's user avatar

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