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Questions tagged [interactive]

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17 votes
8 answers

Disabling everything except letters in browser- and on OS-level

We would like to make an interactive exhibition piece foolproof, requiring as little staff presence as possible when recovering it from anything anyone made it do. It has a text input and then it ...
alparius's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bash/Zsh: Catching all commands that start with a `/`

Is there a way to get this example catchall function to be called whenever any command starts with the / character in an interactive shell (instead of searching in $PATH and executing something else, ...
Aaron Esau's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ansible playbook hangs in interactive mode

If I run the command (redis-cli --cluster create from the host( it prompts me for "yes" and it's working but in ansible ...
rdaniel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to read the data behind this interactive map?

I'm looking at an interactive map that allows me to set a filter (button "Select Markets") and then places dots on the map which give summary data when I hover the mouse over a dot or ...
NewSites's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

non-interactive ssh-keygen in Windows PowerShell: create a key pair and avoid pressing enter for location and empty passphrase

In Windows PowerShell, with ssh-keygen, how to create an SSH key pair with a private key that has no passphrase (password), without having to confirm twice the empty passphrase, and without having to ...
questionto42's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Interactive formulas in excel [closed]

I'm trying to make an Excel sheet where people can easily change the formulas in multiple column. Viewers will have varying degrees of Excel experience. Goals Users can adjust how columns are ...
Unrelated's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to make interactive objects in Microsoft Word? (dropdown lists, checkboxes)

As I stated in the title, I'm pretty sure there is some feature that can enable me to do that. Here is a document with an example but I don't know how it was implemented: So how is that even possible ...
Amin Guermazi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

popd for cdr-based directory management in zsh

I recently started using cdr in zsh for remembering recent directories. I used to use pushd and the like. One thing I miss is popd, which basically means "I'm done using this directory, put me ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Delete argument from command

If I have a commandline like this: sunday.exe monday tuesday-wednesday I would like to delete to the last space, or essentially the last argument. I tried Ctrl + Backspace, but it deletes only to the ...
Zombo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Interactive ZSH's command prompt to execute a ZLE command

Is there any way to interactively run a ZLE command on the current line? I am looking for a similar way to TMUX's command-prompt, which default keybinding is prefix : were you can run a TMUX command ...
Nicolas LIENART's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to run Windows OpenSSH Server interactively?

As known OpenSSH Server on Windows 10 (sshd.exe) run as a service by default. But there are cases that require to run OpenSHH Server in an interactive Windows session, not in session 0 by default. For ...
The_Immortal's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can Windows 10 firewall be configured to interactively ask permission for outgoing traffic?

I'm rather unfamiliar with the default firewall in Windows 10 Professional. I find many articles on how to configure or finetune it to filter specific traffic (ingoing or outgoing). However what I ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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Trouble accessing Docker interactive mode image

I need help with accessing interactive mode of Docker image thanks to lack of knowledge in needed area. I want open file , and read from file, and use image filesystem (traversal and search). I think ...
intersect's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Mercurial collapses lines into single line when piping output

I'd like to sort based on the output of a mercurial (hg) command. The output from hg log is collapsed into 1 line when piping to another command but I want to keep separate lines. Here's a minimum ...
Joe's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

How can I prevent interactive-rebase from running verification hooks on commits?

I have a range of commits that fail the tests that are committed with them. I need to interactive-rebase across these commits; but the hooks are failing, and causing each commit to screw up, forcing ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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1 answer

How to configure IF function to dynamically display three data tables

I downloaded the Microsoft Office Excel Template called "Vehicle Log Book" and I'm having trouble adjusting the graph so it includes 3 items in the drop down list, instead of 2. I believe the issue ...
Brian's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Excel - Interactive Average [closed]

Its for an assignment. There are data given for january to June , and July data is empty. After I enter July data average is created. Task is I have to fix a program, that after I put data in july a ...
Ashim Kundu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set up a Linux box as a stand-alone firewall/gateway? [closed]

How do I separate Linux firewall/gateway box, to isolate now-chatty-with-Microsoft Windows machines from the internet? Permitting only approved user-initiated connections from Windows boxes. This ...
El Zorko's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does PSEXEC -i -s work in Windows 7 as services can no longer interact with the desktop?

According to this MSDN article: Important Services cannot directly interact with a user as of Windows Vista. Therefore, the techniques mentioned in the section titled Using an Interactive Service ...
cjones26's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't type anymore on Git bash after returning from ssh -tt

I wanted to execute a command in a remote shell in its interactive environment, so as to make it load my remote .bash_profile there first before executing the command. This works great: echo "...
laggingreflex's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Interactive Script; Prompt within a loop

How do I prompt a user for input from a shell script (ksh) within a loop in which a file is read? The script reads in a file. In each loop pass the user will be asked if he wants to cancel or not? ...
Chris's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

"Click to translate" for .pdf

Is there a way to be able just click a word and get its translation while reading .pdf files? Google Dictionary is very useful plugin for Chrome but works only for web pages. Does something similar ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to reference previous parameter in interactive bash shell?

I'm trying to do something like: mv doc1 $1.html #equivalent to mv doc1 doc1.html but the problem here is that, because I'm in an interactive shell, $1 refers to the first parameter passed to "bash",...
Nick Chandoke's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Open new konsole from script, executing command and becoming interactive on conclusion

I want to be able to get a script (ran at startup) to open up a konsole terminal. When it opens it is to do some persistent things (like change directory and source bashrc) and run a long running ...
Hashbrown's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What's the purpose of the Linux filesystem checkers' "interactive mode"?

Linux's fsck disk-repair tool often runs in an "interactive mode" by default. This means that, if it finds problems, it may ask me questions. But these questions tend to assume that I am a filesystem ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Running interactive commands in remote machine using putty command line

I am trying to connect to remote terminal using putty command line with below command: C:\Program Files>putty.exe -ssh -2 -l username -pw password -m remote.cmd -t In remote.cmd file, I ...
Monika's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Windows scheduled task interactive mode (GUI)

I am trying to run an application (Selenium test) through the task scheduler in a Windows XP virtual machine guest that allows for desktop interaction (keyboard pressing, movement through Firefox). I ...
Jack Fisher's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Run interactive task even if user is not logged on Windows

I have an application which automates my everyday task of logging into some website and doing repetetive actions. This app starts as a scheduled task everyday at 7.30am. The problem arises when I ...
user236086's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Suppress (or quiet) the output of bash: "Hit any key to close this window..."

Typically when I invoke an GUI application in vim, I get a command prompt that awaits for my response: shell returned 1 Hit any key to close this window... How can I not make this prompt to show up, ...
Forethinker's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Howto start an interactive script at ubuntu startup?

Based on Ubuntu core 12.04, I have prepared a bootable DVD. After booting (to console only), I can login as a user and start a script for installation of an embedded device: sudo install_script In ...
Carsten Scholtes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

truecrypt mounting through windows service

I've created a windows service which silently mounts truecrypt volumes via command line. A couple issues have arose however; although the volume mounts correctly it won't show up in windows explorer ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Interactive Services Detection

What is causing this ? What did I do wrong ? How do I stop the behavior ? Turned on machine. Loaded Apps to go to work Got this... INTERACTIVE SERVICES DETECTION, A PROGRAM RUNNING ON THIS COMPUTER ...
User.1's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to create interactive pages in epub format?

As part of a school project, I'm trying to create a small interactive e-booklet using the EPUB(3) format. It needs be readable (and "interactable") on both a Windows and Android reader. I'm having no ...
MrT's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Hyperlink in PowerPoint 2007

Suppose, on the left hand side, I have about 10 symbols and on the right hand side, there is some text for details of the said symbol. After clicking a particular symbol, the corresponding text should ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you launch an SSH connection with port forwarding without interrupting your screen access?

I want to make an SSH connection to another server with forwarding, but without having to log on to the remote server, nor interfere with the screen I am working on. I also need to access the ...
vfclists's user avatar
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3 answers

Load login shell inside user cronjob

I'm trying to run a rake task using a scheduled cronjob. My crontab looks something like this: 0 1 * * 1-7 /bin/bash -l -c "cd ~/jobs/rake && rake reports:create >> ~/jobs/logs/cron.log"...
sa125's user avatar
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0 answers

Programs for reading data off interactive web charts

This question is in the same vein as this one: Program for reading data off scanned graphs Recently more and more interactive charts show up on the Net. Have a look at the following one: http://www....
vonjd's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I allow interactive services in Windows 7?

I need to run a service interactively on my computer. (I am already aware of the implications.) How do I enable a service (running in session 0) to run interact with the current desktop in Windows 7?
user541686's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

how to start an interactive shell with special setup

I want to start an interactive zsh (on cygwin) with project specific set-up: source /etc/profile source ~/.profile source $PROJECT_HOME/Setup.zsh become interactive I got as far a step 3 but then ...
Martin's user avatar
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0 answers

Running a shell script in a web server as if it was interactive

I have a shell script (csh) - I didn't write it so I can't change it now. The script does a lot of parsing of log files, calls other scripts in languages like Perl and Tcl, creates new files and calls ...
N00bler's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Upstart: accept user input to switch xorg.conf

I'm trying to get a startup script requiring user input running before gdm starts (the script should allow me to choose from a list of xorg.conf's the one I'd like to use for the current session). ...
Utaal's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I run PowerShell commands without enclosing arguments in quotes?

When I try to run a program with a command line option from the PowerShell prompt, PowerShell ends up mangling the option. Why does this happen? Is there any way to stop it besides enclosing the ...
kem's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Is there an interactive firewall for outbound traffic on Ubuntu?

I wish to prevent some programs from "phoning home", and to allow other programs to access only specific web servers. Is there any way to interactively allow or decline outbound communication from ...
GJ.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Script to use sudo in a terminal, gksudo otherwise?

I'd like to write a script that does an administration task, and I would like to be able to run it either from a terminal or not. If it runs in a terminal, even a graphical one, I'd like it to ask for ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar