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Questions tagged [working-directory]

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What's the equivalent in powershell of `pushd +0`, or `pushd` with no arguments, in linux shells

Good luck searching for +0 :) I did search this forum and stackoverflow for about 30 minutes and didn't find the answer. Linux has the following command: pushd +0 or just pushd with no arguments. ...
john v kumpf's user avatar
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1 answer

popd for cdr-based directory management in zsh

I recently started using cdr in zsh for remembering recent directories. I used to use pushd and the like. One thing I miss is popd, which basically means "I'm done using this directory, put me ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Run "cd" command as superuser in Linux

Is there a way to run the cd command with superuser privileges to gain access to directories that are owned by root? When I run sudo cd <path>, I get sudo: cd: command not found.
thecomputerguru's user avatar
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4 answers

Open ranger File-Manager in specific Directory

I use ranger as my file-manager and was looking for an option that i can pass to ranger, that let‘s me open ranger in a given directory, something like ranger —specfic-directory=„/home/tim/literature/„...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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2 answers

How to check if the current batch file is in a specific folder?

Hi I'm fairly new to batch files, so sorry if this question seems stupid but I really need some help. So I need my batch script to check if it is in a specified folder, say %userprofile%\Desktop for ...
Mantis Tsai's user avatar
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How can I cd to a long path in DOS 6.22?

I have a legacy PC which I have installed DOS 6.22 onto. I'm not sure what specific version this is, but it had CD drivers included, so I'm suspecting it wasn't exactly "bare bones". I created a CD ...
Bartek Banachewicz's user avatar
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Linux tar: only --transform certain files

I'm writing a bash script that packages my application into a TAR file. The files aren't arranged on disk how they need to be arranged in the TAR file, so I decided to use the --transform option. ...
Bradley Odell's user avatar
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Set CMD Prompt to always be the current directory name in Windows XP? [duplicate]

I would like my command prompt to display just the directory name I am currently in, not the full path. If I am working in C:\Mystuff\Junk\ I would like the command prompt to display: Junk> If I ...
kerbaled's user avatar
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How would you count every occurrence of a term in all files in the current directory?

How would you count every occurrence of a term in all files in the current directory? - and subdirectories(?) I've read that to do this you would use grep; what is the exact command? Also, is it ...
TellMeWhy's user avatar
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Ideal Location For Google Identity Toolkit *.p12 file

I'm working on the Google Identity Toolkit, and have come across what appears to be a riddle. "Put the *.p12 file you just downloaded in a directory of your choosing which is private (you can't let ...
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9 votes
3 answers

Xargs: change working directory to file path before executing?

I have a large folder of RAR archives. There is a significant hierarchy of folder levels. I want to unRAR the entire collection of archives all at once. I have the following one-liner, which will ...
fdmillion's user avatar
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How to count the number of times a file/directory has been opened?

I'm trying to find the number of times a file has been opened (since the OS inception). I'm thinking of doing this via stat, but most flags only return the difference between the LAST time it was ...
mynameis's user avatar
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2 answers

Management of directories and subrutines

From the current directory %CD%, I need to go inside a subfolder and execute a subrutineA, then go back to the %CD% directory and go to the next subfolder and execute the same subrutineA, this process ...
frantika's user avatar
119 votes
7 answers

Change ConEmu's default start directory

How do I change ConEmu settings such that always when I open it, it will start the cmd in a directory of my choosing instead of the default ConEmu folder?
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
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Getting a setting, the chdir value, out of GNU Screen

I've been using screen's chdir command to set a new working directory for new screen windows, more on that later. What I need to do is find out what the setting was before I set it, so that I can set ...
dlamblin's user avatar
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