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Questions tagged [interactive]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Hyperlink in PowerPoint 2007

Suppose, on the left hand side, I have about 10 symbols and on the right hand side, there is some text for details of the said symbol. After clicking a particular symbol, the corresponding text should ...
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Can Windows 10 firewall be configured to interactively ask permission for outgoing traffic?

I'm rather unfamiliar with the default firewall in Windows 10 Professional. I find many articles on how to configure or finetune it to filter specific traffic (ingoing or outgoing). However what I ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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What's the purpose of the Linux filesystem checkers' "interactive mode"?

Linux's fsck disk-repair tool often runs in an "interactive mode" by default. This means that, if it finds problems, it may ask me questions. But these questions tend to assume that I am a filesystem ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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truecrypt mounting through windows service

I've created a windows service which silently mounts truecrypt volumes via command line. A couple issues have arose however; although the volume mounts correctly it won't show up in windows explorer ...
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Is it possible to create interactive pages in epub format?

As part of a school project, I'm trying to create a small interactive e-booklet using the EPUB(3) format. It needs be readable (and "interactable") on both a Windows and Android reader. I'm having no ...
MrT's user avatar
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Running a shell script in a web server as if it was interactive

I have a shell script (csh) - I didn't write it so I can't change it now. The script does a lot of parsing of log files, calls other scripts in languages like Perl and Tcl, creates new files and calls ...
N00bler's user avatar
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Interactive Script; Prompt within a loop

How do I prompt a user for input from a shell script (ksh) within a loop in which a file is read? The script reads in a file. In each loop pass the user will be asked if he wants to cancel or not? ...
Chris's user avatar
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Bash/Zsh: Catching all commands that start with a `/`

Is there a way to get this example catchall function to be called whenever any command starts with the / character in an interactive shell (instead of searching in $PATH and executing something else, ...
Aaron Esau's user avatar
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Ansible playbook hangs in interactive mode

If I run the command (redis-cli --cluster create from the host( it prompts me for "yes" and it's working but in ansible ...
rdaniel's user avatar
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Windows scheduled task interactive mode (GUI)

I am trying to run an application (Selenium test) through the task scheduler in a Windows XP virtual machine guest that allows for desktop interaction (keyboard pressing, movement through Firefox). I ...
Jack Fisher's user avatar
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Interactive Services Detection

What is causing this ? What did I do wrong ? How do I stop the behavior ? Turned on machine. Loaded Apps to go to work Got this... INTERACTIVE SERVICES DETECTION, A PROGRAM RUNNING ON THIS COMPUTER ...
User.1's user avatar
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Programs for reading data off interactive web charts

This question is in the same vein as this one: Program for reading data off scanned graphs Recently more and more interactive charts show up on the Net. Have a look at the following one: http://www....
vonjd's user avatar
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