In Excel, I have five employees each with a unique emploee code.

In column A I have hundreds of rows of these employee names and I want to return each name's corresponding code in column B.

In columns D and E I have the unique list of employee names and their matching codes.

What formula could I use to return the codes in column B?

Sample Data

1 Name Emp code Available data
2 User1 01Code Name Code
3 User2 02Code User1 01Code
4 user4 04Code User2 02Code
5 user1 01Code user3 03Code
6 user5 05Code user4 04Code
7 user3 03Code user5 05Code
8 user2 02Code


  • 4
    Probably XLOOKUP (VLOOKUP on older versions). It depends on how your data is set up. Might be INDEX/MATCH. Could you edit your question and include a sample of how your data is set out. Commented Jun 11 at 12:43
  • 1
    Please note that this site is not a code-writing service. Please show at least what you have tried. Commented Jun 11 at 14:25
  • 1
    Show what you've tried so far, then ask for help. Commented Jun 11 at 14:35

1 Answer 1


Formula in B2


formula and results in Excel


  1. VLOOKUP provides the basic functionality:
    VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
  2. The lookup_value is DROP(TOCOL(A:A,1),1)
    • TOCOL returns Column A without any blank rows.
    • The DROP function is used to remove the heading row Name from the lookup_value.
  3. The table_array is D:E
  4. The col_index_num to return is 2 which is Column E.
  5. The 0 (FALSE) specifies an exact match in case D:E is not sorted in ascsending order.

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