Hi i accidently formated some parts of partisions on my laptop. Now when it stats it's just a blank blue screen , not that basic with that sad face , but really empty blue screen. I dont know how to fix it. Watched ton of videos and read ton of forums but i couldn't find the answer. I believe with your help i can somehow fix it. When i go to my settings after F2 , my boot option priorities are empty. (If i dont count usb that i had plugged in.) If i add new boot option and go to "Path for boot option" and choose my "HDD SATA 256 MB" and go to then i can choose out of and . I opened both of them many times but they're empty and i can only take a step back. When i boot from my usb nothing happenes. Only place where i can get is the blank blue screen. I cannot get to command prompt or others options on windows help screen. Please tell me it can still be fixable :(

  • Probably not fixable. You need to rebuild the partitions with the Windows ISO Installer.
    – anon
    Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 13:33
  • What did you format? We can only guess. But John is probably right too: you've stopped it part of your OS and you have to reinstall to fix that. Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 14:15
  • 1
    1. Try to salvage any data by booting from a rescue disk. 2. Then reinstall Windows from ISO, Commented Oct 22, 2023 at 0:39


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